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biblio nw 16000 - 16999

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 995 references in this bibliography folder.

Meylemans, E, Bogemans, F, Storme, A, Perdaen, Y, Verdurmen, L, Jacobs, J, and Deforce (2013).
Lateglacial and Holocene fluvial dynamics in the Lower Scheldt basin (N-Belgium) and their impact on the presence,detection and preservation potential of the archaeological record
Quaternary International, vol. 308-309 p. 148-161.

Michel, G and Thys, G (2013).
Atlas du Karst Wallon. Bassins du Burnot et de la Molignée. Inventaire cartographique et descriptif des sites karstiques et des circulations d'eau souterraine
Commission Wallonne d'Etude et de Protection des Sites Souterrains, vol. p. 384 p.

Mortier, T, Baele, J, Blaivie, G, Collet, H, Cornet, C, De Bast, E, Dejax, J, Delaby, S, Dupuis, C, Dupont, N, Folie, A, Godefroit, P, Goemaere, E, Hennebert, M, Kaufmann, O, Licour, L, T., M, Papier, S, and Pirson (2013).
Itinéraires pédagogiques du géoparc du Bassin de Mons: Le Nord-Ouest du Bassin de Mons
ASBL La Malogne, vol. Volume 3 - Itinéraire 2 p. 60 p.

Mortier, T, Baele, J, Blaivie, G, H, Collet, C, Cornet, E, De Bast, J, Dejax, S, Delaby, C, Dupuis, N, Dupont, A, Folie, P, Godefroit, E, Goemaere, M, Hennebert, O, Kaufmann, L, Licour, M, T., S, Papier, and Pirson (2013).
Itinéraires pédagogiques du géoparc du Bassin de Mons: La Région du Centre et le Sud du Géoparc
ASBL La Malogne, vol. Volume 6 - Itinéraire 5 p. 64 p.

Mortier, T, Baele, J, Blaivie, G, H, Collet, C, Cornet, E, De Bast, J, Dejax, S, Delaby, C, Dupuis, N, Dupont, A, Folie, P, Godefroit, E, Goemaere, M, Hennebert, O, Kaufmann, L, Licour, M, T., S, Papier, and Pirson (2013).
Itinéraires pédagogiques du géoparc du Bassin de Mons: La Thudinie et le Sud-Est du Géoparc
ASBL La Malogne, vol. Volume 5 - Itinéraire 4 p. 62 p.

Mortier, T, Baele, J, Blaivie, G, H, Collet, C, Cornet, E, De Bast, J, Dejax, S, Delaby, C, Dupuis, N, Dupont, A, Folie, P, Godefroit, E, Goemaere, M, Hennebert, O, Kaufmann, L, Licour, M, T., S, Papier, and Pirson (2013).
Itinéraires pédagogiques du géoparc du Bassin de Mons: Les Hauts-Pays et le Borinage
ASBL La Malogne, vol. Volume 4 - Itinéraire 3 p. 52 p.

Mortier, T, Baele, J, Blaivie, G, H, Collet, C, Cornet, E, De Bast, J, Dejax, S, Delaby, C, Dupuis, N, Dupont, A, Folie, P, Godefroit, E, Goemaere, M, Hennebert, O, Kaufmann, L, Licour, M, T., S, Papier, and Pirson (2013).
Itinéraires pédagogiques du géoparc du Bassin de Mons: Le Grand Mons
ASBL La Malogne, vol. Volume 2 - Itinéraire 1 p. 92 p.

Nguyen, XP, Cui, YJ, Tang, AM, Deng, YF, Li, XL, and Wouters, L (2013).
Effects of pore water chemical composition on the hydro-mechanical behavior of natural stiff clays
Engineering Geology, vol. 166 p. 52-64.

Nuytten, D (2013).
Bouwgeschiedenis en restauratie van de Mariapoort van de Parkabdij in Heverlee
Monumenten & Landschappen (Monumenten,Landschappen & Archeologie), vol. 32 nr 6 p. 22-35.

Ottesen, RT, Birke, M, Finne, TE, Gosar, M, Locutura, J, Reimann, C, and Tarvainen, T (2013).
Mercury in European agricultural and grazing land soils
Applied Geochemistry, vol. 33 p. 1-12.

Petitclerc, E, Dusar, M, Hoes, H, Laenen, B, Dagrain, F, and Vanbrabant, Y (2013).
Overview and perspectives on shallow geothermal energy in Belgium. In: European Geothermal Congress 2013,Pisa,Italy,3-7 June 2013. Abstracts
European Geothermal Congress, vol. EGC2013 p. 2 p.

Pirson, S, Delcambre, B, and Goemaere, E (2013).
Geological context
Anthropologica et Praehistorica, vol. 123/2012 p. 73-90.

Quinif, Y (2013).
La Grotte de la Vilaine Source. In: G. Michel & G. Thys,Atlas du Karst Wallon. Bassins du Burnot et de la Molignée.
Commission Wallonne d'Etude et de Protection des Sites Souterrains, vol. p. 61-64.

Roland, J (2013).
Hydrogéologie des bassins du Burnot et de la Molignée. IV. La source de Bonsin à Sosoye exploitée par l'AIEM. In: G. Michel & G. Thys,Atlas du Karst Wallon. Bassins du Burnot et de la Molignée.
Commission Wallonne d'Etude et de Protection des Sites Souterrains, vol. p. 38-40.

Saaltink, R, Griffioen, J, Mol, G, and Birke, M (2013).
Geogenic and agricultural controls on the geochemical composition of European agricultural soils. In: SOILS,SEC 3 & REMEDIATION AND MANAGEMENT OF CONTAMINATED OR DEGRADED LANDS
J Soils Sediments, vol. DOI 10.1007/s11368-013-0779-y p.

Sadeghi, M, Petrosino, P, Ladenberger, A, Albanese, S, Andersson, M, Morris, G, Lima, A, and De Vivo, B (2013).
Ce,La and Y concentrations in agricultural and grazing-land soils of Europe
Journal of Geochemical Exploration, vol. 133 p. 202-213.

Scheib, AJ, Birke, M, and Dinelli, E (2013).
Geochemical evidence of aeolian deposits in European soils
Boreas, vol. DOI 10.1111/bor.12029 p.

Schulp, AS, Polcyn, MJ, Mateus, O, and Jacobs, LL (2013).
Two rare mosasaurs from the Maastrichtian of Angola and the Netherlands
Netherlands Journal of Geosciences / Geologie en Mijnbouw, vol. 92 p. 3-10.

Sevastopulo, GD and Barham, M (2013).
Correlation of the base of the Serpukhovian Stage (Mississippian) in NW Europe
Geological Magazine, vol. doi:10.1017/S0016756813000630 p. 10 p.

Shogenova, A, Piessens, K, Ivask, J, Shogenov, K, Martinez, R, Flornes, KM, Poulsen, NE, Wójcicki, A, Sliaupa, S, Kucharic, L, Dudu, A, Persoglia, S, Holloway, S, and Saftic, B (2013).
CCS Directive transposition into national laws in Europe: progress and problems by the end of 2011
Energy Procedia, vol. 37 p. 7723-7731.

Sintubin, M (2013).
19th Int. Conf. DRT 2013. 16-18.9.2013,Leuven. Field trip guidebook: Tracing the evolution of crustal-scale,transient permeability in a tectonically active,mid-crustal,low-permeability environment by means of quartz veins
KU Leuven,Dept. Earth & Environmental Sciences,Geodynamics & Geofluids Research Group, vol. p. 74 p.

Soriano-Disla, JM, Janik, L, McLaughlin, MJ, Forrester, S, Kirby, J, and Reimann, C (2013).
The use of diffuse reflectance mid-infrared spectroscopy for the prediction of the concentration of chemical elements estimated by X-ray fluorescence in agricultural and grazing European soils
Applied Geochemistry, vol. 29 p. 135-143.

Swennen, R (2013).
Karakter,Tijdschrift van Wetenschap, vol. p.

Tarvainen, T, Albanese, S, Birke, M, Ponˇavic, M, and Reimann, C (2013).
Arsenic in agricultural and grazing land soils of Europe
Applied Geochemistry, vol. 28 p. 2-10.

Temmerman, S, Meire, P, Bouma, TJ, Herman, PMJ, Ysebaert, T, and De Vriend, HJ (2013).
Ecosystem-based coastal defence in the face of global change
Nature, vol. 504 p. 79-83.

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