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You are here: Home / Geology / bibliografie geology / biblio geology Belgium / biblio nw 16000 - 16999 / Post Paleozoic cooling and uplift of the Brabant Massif as revealed by apatite fission track dating. Caledonides of the Anglo-Brabant Massif and adjacent areas,Keyworth,UK,17-18 September 1992. Abstracts

C Vercoutere and P Van Den haute (1992)

Post Paleozoic cooling and uplift of the Brabant Massif as revealed by apatite fission track dating. Caledonides of the Anglo-Brabant Massif and adjacent areas,Keyworth,UK,17-18 September 1992. Abstracts

Geological Society of London, vol. p. 13.

16815, 115, 128, 130, 113, 132, .83, 191, 190, Bw, Lg, Ht, W, N, SYNDIN, CALBRAB, F, ORD, CAMB, SIL, DIAGEN, NEOTEC

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