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R Paepe and W. H Zagwijn (1977)

Guidebook for Excursion C17 Southern shores of the North Sea (continental excursion). In: D.Q. Bowen (ed.) X INQUA Congress Excursion Guides

INQUA, vol. X Congress p. 63 p.

16564, .17, 130, .84, .50, .95, .96, .81, A, N, W, O, CAMP34, ALL, KUST, QCOVER, 4, PLEIS, HOL, LIVEX, CARA, CARS
The same text was copied for the IFAQ Excursion 1986. Author : Paepe with assisted by F. Bogemans with collaboration of J. Somme Université de Lille, W. Boenigk Universtat Koln, J.H. Bisschops Rijks Geologische Dienst Nuenen.

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