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You are here: Home / Geology / bibliografie geology / biblio geology Belgium / biblio nw 16000 - 16999 / Dating and position of fossil soils in the Belgian Pleistocene stratigraphy. In; DH Yaalon,ed. Paleopedology - Origin,Nature and Dating of Paleosols.

R Paepe (1971)

Dating and position of fossil soils in the Belgian Pleistocene stratigraphy. In; DH Yaalon,ed. Paleopedology - Origin,Nature and Dating of Paleosols.

Int. Soc. Soil Sci. and Israel Universities Press, vol. p. 261-269.

16527, 121, .67, .96, .81, .93, .15, .37, .25, 115, 155, .55, .16, .17, BELG, ALL, QCOVER, KUST, PLEIS, PEDO

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