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You are here: Home / Geology / bibliografie geology / biblio geology Belgium / biblio nw 16000 - 16999 / Regional geochemical mapping of overbank and stream sediments in Belgium and Luxembourg. Rapport 4.1. Vertical element distribution patterns in selected overbank profiles from Belgium and Luxembourg

U Verkeyn, P Moons, and R Swennen (2001)

Regional geochemical mapping of overbank and stream sediments in Belgium and Luxembourg. Rapport 4.1. Vertical element distribution patterns in selected overbank profiles from Belgium and Luxembourg

Katholieke Universiteit Leuven,Fysico-Chemische Geologie, vol. p.

16518, 206, 222, 218, 188, 175, 185, 194, 192, 166, 143, 153, 163, 150, 111, 113, .98, .97, .65, .52, .38, .69, ..3, .49, 236, 136, 135, 148, 147, 158, 159, 160, 171, 168, BELG, ALL, REC, ENV, CHIM

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