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You are here: Home / Geology / bibliografie geology / biblio geology Belgium / biblio nw 16000 - 16999 / Event-stratigraphy of the Belgian Famennian (Uppermost Devonian,Ardennes). In: International Workshop-Meeting The Rhenish Massif. Geological structure,evolution,deposits of economic minerals,present geodynamics. Boppard/Rhein May 30 - June 02,1984.

Roland JM Dreesen (1984)

Event-stratigraphy of the Belgian Famennian (Uppermost Devonian,Ardennes). In: International Workshop-Meeting The Rhenish Massif. Geological structure,evolution,deposits of economic minerals,present geodynamics. Boppard/Rhein May 30 - June 02,1984.

International Workshop-Meeting The Rhenish Massif., vol. Program and abstracts p. 1 p.

16282, 136, 147, 158, Lg, SYNVE, SYNDIN, FA, SEDICL, PETSE

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