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You are here: Home / Geology / bibliografie geology / biblio geology Belgium / biblio nw 16000 - 16999 / Relic Holocene colluvial and alluvial depositions in the basins of the Scheldt,the Meuse,the Somme,the Seine and the Rhine (Belgium,Luxemburg and Northern France). A prospective state of research in rescue excavations

Kai Fechner, Robert Baes, Geertrui Louwagie, and Anne Gebhardt (2014)

Relic Holocene colluvial and alluvial depositions in the basins of the Scheldt,the Meuse,the Somme,the Seine and the Rhine (Belgium,Luxemburg and Northern France). A prospective state of research in rescue excavations

Relicta Monografieën, vol. 9 p. 147-190.

16106, 117, 125, 186, 122, 127..7, .84, 105, 121, 115, 119, 120, Ht, A, Bw, Lg, VB, QCOVER, ALL, HOL, PLEIS, 3, SEDICL, GEOMOR, STRA, ARCHEO

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