biblio nw 10000 - 10999
This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.
There are 998 references in this bibliography folder.
Van Der Linden, T
A dark crystal - conservation of a multifaceted,subsurface,cross-border heritage site,protecting medieval paintings in quarries. ProGEO – WG3 meeting 2009: Geoheritage,Geodiversity & Nature and Landscape management,19-23 April 2009,Drenthe
ProGEO, vol. Programme and Abstracts p.
Van Hemert, W, Shirasagi, S, Drummen, T, Parasie, N, Van Der Hoop, G, Schetters, M, and Lubach, A
Belgium excursion - introduction - Mol Research Centre - Kruibeke Boomse Clay quarry - Bouillon sand quarry at Bierbeek - Diabolo tunnel project
De Ondergrondse Newsletter, vol. 2,June 2009 p. 1-6.
Vancampenhout, K, Ampe, C, Wouters, K, Defrijn, S, Bomans, E, Van Ranst, E, Langohr, R, and Deckers, J
Heritage soils in Flanders: towards a conservation strategy. ProGEO – WG3 meeting 2009: Geoheritage,Geodiversity & Nature and Landscape management,19-23 April 2009,Drenthe,The Netherlands
ProGEO, vol. Programme and Abstracts p.
Vanholst, A, Dreesen, R, Voordeckers, B, Paque, L, and Snellinckx, Z
Geologische fietsroute - Herk & Mombeek
Provincie Limburg, vol. p. 88 p.
Vink, B
Geotechnical risks related to limestone and applied geotechnical surveys
De Ondergrondse Newsletter, vol. 2,June 2009 p. 11-12.
Westerhoff, WE
Stratigraphy and sedimentary evolution. The lower Rhine-Meuse system during the Late Pliocene and early Pleistocene (southern North Sea Basin). Vrije Universiteit Academisch Proefschrift
TNO Geological Survey of the Netherlands - Geology of the Netherlands, vol. 2 p. 168 p.
Willekens, T
Miljoenen jaren oud,springlevend?
K.U.Leuven Campuskrant, vol. 20 nr 10 p. 8.
Baeteman, C
Radiocarbon-dated sediment sequences from the Belgian coastal plain: testing the hypothesis of fluctuating or smooth late-Holocene relative sea-level rise
The Holocene, vol. 18,8 p. 1219-1228.
Baeteman, C
De Holocene geologie van de Belgische kustvlakte
Geological Survey of Belgium Professional Paper, vol. 2008/2 N. 304 p. 36 p.
Barchy, L and Marion, J
Carte géologique de Wallonie,Maffe - Grandhan 54/3-4,1/25.000
MRW,DGRNE, vol. 54/3-4 p. 64 p.
Bavay, G and Feron, B
La collégiale Sainte-Waudru. Rêve des chanoinesses de Mons
Editions Racine et Association Sainte-Waudru, vol. p. 176 p.
Bavay, G, Philipp, K, Doperé, F, and Tourneur, F
La collégiale Sainte-Waudru. Rêve des chanoinesses de Mons. Matériaux
Editions Racine et Association Sainte-Waudru, vol. p. 52 p.
Bertier, P, Swennen, R, Lagrou, D, Laenen, B, and Kemps, R
Palaeo-climate controlled diagenesis of the Westphalian C & D fluvial sandstones in the Campine Basin (north-east Belgium)
Sedimentology, vol. 55/5 p. 1375-1417.
Breda, K
De Maagdentoren. Instandhoudingswerken afgerond
ICOMOS contact, vol. 21/1 p. 17-18.
Breuls, T and Houben, P
De Jezuïetenberg
Maastrichts Silhouet, vol. 70 p. 64 p.
Bringmans, PMMA and Vermeersch, PM
Veldwezelt - Hezerwater. Een eerste beschermd Midden-Paleolithisch monument in Vlaanderen
Monumenten & Landschappen (Monumenten,Landschappen & Archeologie), vol. 27/1 p. 4-20.
Carlier, K
De saga van de Chantoir des Fagnoules
Spelerpes,Verbond van Vlaamse Speleologen, vol. 31,2008-2 p. 14-24.
Carlier, K
Grotte des Collemboles is mooi maar fragiel
Spelerpes,Verbond van Vlaamse Speleologen, vol. 31,2008-2 p. 8-13.
Cnudde, J
L'ardoise de Vielsalm: caractéristiques techniques et données récentes,toujours une des meilleures! In: Ardoise et coticule en Terre de Salm. Des Pierres & des Hommes
Service géologique de Belgique / Belgische Geologische Dienst, vol. p. 40-56.
Collet, H, Jadin, I, and Woodbury, M
Apport à la chronologie absolue des minières néolithiques de Spiennes
Notae Praehistoricae, vol. 28 p. 97-99.
Coomans, T
De complexe bouwgeschiedenis van de begijnhofkerk. In: Coomans,T. & Bergmans,A.,red. In zuiverheid leven. Het Sint-Agnesbegijnhof van Sint-Truiden,het hof,de kerk,de muurschilderingen
Relicta Monografieën, vol. 2 p. 155-209.
Court Picon, M, Pirson, S, Haesaerts, P, and Damblon, F
New palaeobotanical data (charcoal and pollen) from the Walou Cave (Vesdre Basin,Belgium)
Geological Survey of Belgium Professional Paper, vol. 2008/2 N. 304 p. 52.
Da Silva, AC and Boulvain, F
Carbon isotope lateral variability in a Middle Frasnian carbonate platform (Belgium): significance of facies,diagenesis and sea-level history
Palaeogeography,Palaeoclimatology,Palaeoecology, vol. 269 p. 189-204.
Damblon, F and Haesaerts, P
Dating charcoal from quaternary loess sequences: questions and suggestions
Geological Survey of Belgium Professional Paper, vol. 2008/2 N. 304 p. 55.
Damblon, F, Court-Picon, M, Bonjean, D, and Pirson, S
Current palaeobotanical research on the Scladina cave (Meuse basin,Belgium). In Steemans,P. & Gerrienne,P.,eds. Latest Developments in Palynology and Palaeobotany. ULiège 27.11.2008
PPMB, vol. p. 3.
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