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You are here: Home / Geology / bibliografie geology / biblio geology Belgium / biblio nw 10000 - 10999 / After the collapse of stromatoporoid-coral reefs - the Famennian and Dinantian reefs of Belgium: much more than Waulsortian mounds. In: Alvaro,Artz,Boulvain,Munnecke,Vachard & Vennin,eds. Palaeozoic reefs and bioaccumulations: climatic and ecolution

M Aretz and E Chevalier (2007)

After the collapse of stromatoporoid-coral reefs - the Famennian and Dinantian reefs of Belgium: much more than Waulsortian mounds. In: Alvaro,Artz,Boulvain,Munnecke,Vachard & Vennin,eds. Palaeozoic reefs and bioaccumulations: climatic and ecolution

Geological Society of London Special Publications, vol. 275 p. 7-20.

10337, ..7, .31, 144, 147, Lg, A, N, VARCAMP, SYNVE, SYNDIN, FA, DIN, V, PALECO, PALEVO

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