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Feuille : 157E - CLAVIER - 488
secteur : 8
numéro : 48
code : 157E0048 - 4880048
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commune :

auteur : J. BOUCKAERT
références :

date :

roche :
formation :

localisation :

nature : Affleurement

description :

During the summer of 1954 a trench was dug for the Commune of Ocquier for the purpose of laying a water pipe inthe old road from Ocquier to Atrin which joins up with the Huy to Stavelot road.

M.P. Ronchesne published a very detailed description of this section (1955). With his usual kindness he willingly communicated to us his field notes, for unfortunately the trenche has been filled in and the outcrops are now incacessible. However, he
had made abdundant notes and, thanks to his survey, we were able to establish the succesion of the exposed beds.

This section from top to bottom is as follows (Figure 2) :

N°s of beds Designation of beds Thickness
in meters
1. Brownish shale 4.10
2. Brownish shale with Posidoniella variabilis Hind 0.40
3. Brownish shale 12.20
4. Pyritous shale with an abundant fauna of E2a2 age 0.60
E. bisulcatum bisulcatum
E. bisulcatum ferrimontanum
C. sp. (kettlesingense ?)
Posidoniella corrugata gigantea
5. Shale 4.20
6. Brownish pyritous shale with an abundant fauna of E2a1 age 1.30
E. bisulcatum bisulcatum
E. bisulcatum ferrimontanum
E. bisulcatum grassingtonense
C. cowlingense
7. Shale 8.50
8. Silicified bed 0.40
9. Brownish shale 4.30
10. Silicified bed 5.00
11. Brownish-black argilaceous shale 1.05
12. Limestone 0.45
13. Shale with an upper V3c fauna 1.70
14. Limestone 0.30
15. Shale 1.60
16. Limestone

After the description of P. Ronchesne :

The beds mentioned under the number 2 have been encountered at 339 and 359 m ;
The beds mentioned under the number 4 have been encountered at 382, 272 and 74 m ;
The beds mentioned under the number 6 have been encountered at 410, 415, 259, 123, 120 and 25 m.

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