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Feuille : 152E - MORLANWELZ - 466
secteur : 2d
numéro : 485
code : 152E0485 - 4660485
X : 142049
Y : 125651
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nature : Affleurement

description :

Informations on the coal sampled in Carnières (S Belgium)

Details of the samples
Lithology : coal
Number : 3
Weight : ~ 0.6kg each
Label : CCA-1, CCA-2 and CCA-3
Collectors : Jean-Marc Baele & Virginie Raucq (Faculté Polytechnique de Mons)
Sampling date : May 24th 2006

Field data
Site location : Carnières 50°26'32''N - 4°15'20''E (Binche, near Mons, Hainaut - Belgium)
Outcrop type : building site (ephemeral exposure of the bedrock)
Outcrop dimension : ~ 100 m wide / ~10 m in height

Geological data
Cover : Cretaceous clays & glauconitic arenites (2 to 6 m thick)
Bedrock : folded Westphalian coal measures (unknown stratigraphic position but likely WB or WC)
Coal : 2 seams of ~1m thick or less. The seams have a great dip angle which is typical of coal measures from the Southern part of the Hainaut coal basin.
The seam 1 (northern seam) includes a shaly middle part (not sampled). Samples CCA-1 and CCA-2 have been collected in the upper (northern) and lower (southern) part of the seam respectively. Before building operations, the depth of the coal was ~3-4m
below the former surface and <1m below the Cretaceous erosion surface.
The seam 2 (southern seam) seems to have been squeezed by extreme folding (this is more evident in adjacent sandstone beds). The depth of the coal (corresponding to sample CCA-3) was about 8-9m below the former surface.

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