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Feuille : 136W - LIMBOURG - 435
N°SGB : 136W0556
Secteur :

X : 259722
Y : 147385

Commune : Bilstain

Description lithologique : A. Demoulin, F. Quesnel, C. Dupuis, P. Gerrienne & J. Yans
Date : 2006

Nature : sondage
roche :
Formation :
localisation :

Références :

Description :

Adresse propriétaire : M. Bauduin, 087/762435

Six motored augerholes (s1-6) have been carried out along a ~500-m-long N-S line across a surface sloping
gently southward (~1.7%) northeast of the village of Bilstain. There, sands and clays rest on the dolostones of the Dinantian 'Formation des
dolomies de la Vesdre' (s1-3, s5-6) or the limestones and shales of the upper Famennian 'Formation de Dolhain' (s4). They showed respectively:

(s1 and) s2 : 1.3 m brown weathering clay with angular dolostone debris, resting in situ on the fresh dolostone bedrock.

Référence : publication à paraître :
Geologica Belgica:
'Cenomanian sands and clays north of the Vesdre valley: the oldest known Cretaceous deposits in eastern Belgium'
par: A. Demoulin, F. Quesnel, C. Dupuis, P. Gerrienne & J. Yans

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