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Feuille : 135W - FLERON - 427
N°SGB : 135W1344
Secteur :

X : 243626
Y : 143767

Commune : Magnée

Description lithologique :
Date : 2006

Nature : sondage
roche :
Formation :
localisation :

Références :

Description :

Adresse propriétaire : M. Juprelle, 0479/74.77.52

S2, from top to bottom :
0 - 0,4 m : silt with flints
0,4 - 1 m : slightly sandy clay with flints
1 - 1,5 m : ochreous ang light grey plastic clay (1), without flint
1,5 - 3,4 m : brown sandy clay (2, 3) grading downwards into a light yellow, slightly clayey medium sand (4) with
angular grains
3,4 - 5,8 m : ochreous clay (5) with Fe(-Mn) concretions, again going progressively downwards into a yellow
layey sand (6) with rare flint splinters between 4,3 and 5,5 m
5,8 - 6,8 m : light ochreous clay ; around 6 m, numerous large, rather fresh flints (up to 15 cm in size)
6,8 - 7,2 m : alternating ochreous sandy clay and clayey sand (8) layers
7,2- 7,5 m : light ochreous clay (9, 15)
7,5 - 9,8 m : alternating ochreous sandy clay (predominating) and clayey sand layers, resting on the limestone

Référence : publication à paraître :
Geologica Belgica:
'Cenomanian sands and clays north of the Vesdre valley: the oldest known Cretaceous deposits in eastern Belgium'
par: A. Demoulin, F. Quesnel, C. Dupuis, P. Gerrienne & J. Yans

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