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Feuille : 135E - VERVIERS - 428
N°SGB : 135E1096
Secteur :

X : 253486
Y : 145248

Commune : Rechain

Description lithologique :
Date : 2006

Nature : sondage
roche :
Formation :
localisation :

Références :

Description :

Adresse propriétaire : M. Archambaut, 087/31.03.33

Five motored auger holes have been carried out on a levelled topography cutting the limestones of the
Dinantian Bay Bonnet and Juslenville groups at 268-275 m altitude.
S1, from top to bottom (fig. 2):
o 0-0.3 m: ochreous silt
o 0.3-3.7 m: light grey fine sand (1, 3) with thin intercalations of ochreous clayey sand
o 3.7-4.5 m: light grey medium sand (4) with dark ochreous clayey layers (4b) at the base
o 4.5-5 m: light grey fine sand with thin intercalations of ochreous clayey sand
o 5-6.2 m: light ochreous clayey fine sand (7) with numerous rounded milky quartz pebbles (0.5-5 cm)
and rare angular black chert pieces
o 6.2-7.5 m: very coarse sand (8) to sandy gravel ; the sand grains are angular but the larger quartz
gravels (2-5 mm) are fairly rounded
o 7.5-10 m: chocolate brown clayey and gravelly sand (11, 13) with rounded white quartz pebbles (up to
5 cm in size) ; some thin layers of pink clay (12); at 9.5-9.7 m, well-sorted ochreous coarse
sand (14) with rare quartz pebbles
o 10-13.4 m: clayey fine sand (15, 16) with quartz pebbles and one 12-cm-long rounded Ardennian
quartzite ; Fe-Mn oxides
o 13.4-13.5 m: brown clay going into the fresh limestone.

N.B. : La fig. 2 n'a pas été communiquée.

Référence : publication à paraître :
Geologica Belgica:
'Cenomanian sands and clays north of the Vesdre valley: the oldest known Cretaceous deposits in eastern Belgium'
par: A. Demoulin, F. Quesnel, C. Dupuis, P. Gerrienne & J. Yans

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