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Feuille : 135E - VERVIERS - 428
N°SGB : 135E1093
Secteur :

X : 257197
Y : 146153

Commune : Andrimont

Description lithologique :
Date : 2006

Nature : sondage
roche :
Formation :
localisation :

Références :

Description :

Adresse propriétaire : M. J. Lambert, 087/35.40.59

Three motored augerholes (s1-3) have been carried out on the flat top of a watershed at 293-295 m altitude (fig. 1).
Although the new geological map shows a SBL deposit extending mainly on the 'Formation des dolomites de la Vesdre' but also laterally on
the psammitic upper Famennian 'Formations de Montfort et d'Evieux', we only encountered the dolostone bedrock at the bottom of the solution hollow.
· s1, from top to bottom (fig. 2):
o 0-0.25 m: agricultural soil
o 0.25-0.75 m: slightly silty beige clay
o 0.75-1.25 m: brown clay with numerous angular quartz and rock gravels
o 1.25-1.9 m: ochreous to red-brown clayey coarse quartz sand; the grains, including some small gravels, are angular
o 1.9-1.95 m: reddish brown clayey medium sand
o 1.95-2.3 m: pale red-brown plastic clay with cm-sized pieces of Fe-Mn sandstone
o 2.3-9.5 m: brown clay with rare oxidized rock debris ; from 6.5 m downwards, HCl-reactive
o 9.5-10.5m: transition toward the dolostone bedrock.

N.B. : Fig.1 et fig. 2 n'ont pas été communiquées.

Référence : publication à paraître :
Geologica Belgica:
'Cenomanian sands and clays north of the Vesdre valley: the oldest known Cretaceous deposits in eastern Belgium'
par: A. Demoulin, F. Quesnel, C. Dupuis, P. Gerrienne & J. Yans

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