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No 75 (VI)


Bed 1 : Yellowish brown sandloam with Ap-horizon.

Bed 2 : Yellowish brown sandloam with common red mottles, fine
(fragipanlike) structure; overlain by a fine frost
wedge row.

Bed 3 : Gray brown sandloam laterally going over into cross
bedded sands; overlain by a fine frost wedge row.

Bed 4 : Yellowish brown thin sand and loam layers with numerous
calcareous concretions and pipestems laterally going
over into cross bedded sands with occasionally fine
frost wedges and a pebble band at the base; the whole
is overlain by rather large frost wedges.

Bed 5 : Alternating fine layers of gray loam and brownish
greensand with solifluidal and fluviatile, locally
cross bedded structures.

Bed 6 : Gray coarse cross bedded sands with gravels with
lateral transition to yellowish brown mottled loam.

Bed 7 : Quickly alternating loam and sand layers, often peaty;
common solifluction and cryoturbatic structures,
especially in the upper part and then exceedingly
strongly cryoturbated; also frost wedges happen to
occur along the upper limit.

Bed 8 : Cryoturbated dark humic horizon at the base of bed 7.

Bed 9 : Complex of brownish gray (peaty) loam and sand layers;
with intercalations of white grayish gravelly sand
bands of brown gravelly layers composed of clay pebbles
mixted with numerous Fe/Mn concretions; fluviatile,
solifluction, cryoturbation and frost structures are

Bed 10 : Black, strong humic or peaty horizon, strongly
cryoturbated in places and underlain by frost wedges;
occasionally also a thin gravel layer.

Bed 11 : Bluegray clayey or brown loam in some places
seperated in two parts by a sandy layer; at the base
occurs a continuous gravel layer overlain locally by
fine frost wedges.

Bed 12 : Blue compact heavy clay.

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