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PL.HAACHT 74W                                         Service Géologique
MAJOR F.W. SHOTTON                                       de Belgique

121 (VI)  Army Borehole at Thildonck. Au couvent.      Puits No 1

          Sondage à sec
          No I Borehole. Surface Height 14m.
          Depth 120 feet (36.58m)
          Final diameter 6 inches, plain tubing from O to 25.3m.
          perforated tubing, gauze-wrapped, and packed outside
          with graded sand, 25.3 to 35.0m.
          Plain tubing 35.0 - 36.58m.

          Rest water level 1.8m below surface
          Water level 17.0m. below surface with a yield of 700
          gals 3.2m3 /hour
          Tested yield of borehole, 1300 gallons (6 m3) /hour
          Position of pump suction 24.9m. below surface.

                                                 Feet      Métres

 1.        Yellow sandy loam                     0- 10      0.00- 3.05
 2*        Yellowish grey, slightly micaceous
           fine sand                            10- 17      3.05- 5.18
 3 - 4.    Very fine, clean, grey, slightly     17- 34      5.18-10.37
 5*        Fine light grey sand with
           calcareous sandstone                 34- 49     10.37-14.93
 6.        Fine light grey sand; slightly
           clayey                               49- 50     14.93-15.24
 7.        Fine light grey sand with
           calcareous sandstone                 50- 66     15.24-20.12
 8.        Medium grey green sand, slightly
           clayey, some calcareous
           sandstone                            66- 71     20.12-21.64
 9.        Fine light grey sand, slightly
           clayey, with calcareous
           sandstone                            71- 80     21.64-24.39
10.        Medium grey green sand with
           calcareous and siliceous
           sandstone                            80- 97     24.39-29.57
11*.       Fine light grey sand                 97-104     29.57-31.70
12.        Medium grey-green sand with
           calcareous sandstone                 104-105    31.70-32.00
13*-14.    Fine grey sand with siliceous
           sandstone and shell fragments        105-110    32.00-33.53
15.        Medium clean quartzose
           glauconitic sand with calcareous
           & silliceous sandstone               110-120    33.53-36.58

          (0.00- 3.05m Quaternary)
          (3.05-36.58m Bruxellian)

          Numerotatie bijgevoegd door R. Legrand 2-IV-1949.

                      Puits No 2               Sondage à sec

                       Army Boreholes. Thildonck.

          Surface height 14m.
          Depth 118 '   (36m)
          Final diameter 6 inches
          Plain casing   0-23.5m
          Perforated casing gauze-Wrapped and surrounded by 1-3mm
          Lessines chippings 23.5-34.4m.
          Plain casing 34.4-36m.

          Rest water level 1.8m below surface
          Water level 12.2m below surface 750 gals (3.4.m3) hour
          Tested yield, 1300 gals (6m3) hour
          Position of pump suction 22.7 m below surface.

                                                 feet          mètres

 1.        Dark brown sandy loam                 0-  2        0.00- 0.61
 2.        Light  "   loamy fine sand            2-  3        0.61- 0.91
 3.        Dark brown fine to medium loamy sand  3-  5        0.91- 1.52
 4.        Dark brown fine loamy sand            5-  8        1.52- 2.44
 5*        Dark brown fine loamy sand with
           pebbles of flint and sandstone        8- 14        2.44- 4.27
 6*        Fine slightly clayey green sand,
           abundant glauconie and a little mica 14- 38        4.27-11.58
 7*        Band of nodular micaceous fine
           siderite sandstone                   38                 11.58
 8.        Fine dark grey clayey sand           38- 39       11.58-11.88
 9*        Light grey fine loamy sand, with
           scattered glauconite, cemented in
           parts occasional shell fragments     39- 45       11.88-13.71
10.11      Fine grey sand sparse glauconite,
           some shell fragments, weakly
           cemented in places                   45- 52       13.71-15.88
12 à 16    Idem, with siliceous sandstones
           between 23.8 and 25.6 m and
           between 27.4 and 28.7 m.             52- 90       15.85-27.44
17.        Clean, fine to medium brown-grey
           quartzite sand, much glauconite,
           some mica, some feeble cementation   90- 94       27.44-28.66
18.        Fine grey slithtly loamy sand with
           some glauconite and scattered mica   94- 96       28.66-29.26
19.        Idem, with siliceous sandstone bands 96- 98       29.26-29.87
20.21      Idem, with thin yellowish clayey
           (? calcarous) bands and siliceous
           bands                                98-104       29.87-31.70
22à27*     Fine, fairly clean sand with
           siliceous glauconitic sandstone
           bands, some mica and shell
           fragments                           104-116       31.70-35.36
28         Fine clean grey glauconite
           quartzose sand                      116-118       35.33-35.96

          (0-4.27 m Quaternary   )          (numerotatie bijgevoegd door
          (4.27-35.96m Bruxellian)              R. Legrand, 2-IV-1949)

          Analysis of water

          Total hardness, as CaCO3         19.3 parts per 100.000
          Temporary hardness as CaCO3      19.3  "     "    "
          Permanent hardness               nil
          Total alkalinity, as CaCO3       21.4  "     "    "
          Salinity, as NaCl                 2.9  "     "    "

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