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PL.HAACHT 74W                                         Service Géologique
MAJOR F.W. SHOTTON                                       de Belgique

120 (IV)  British Army Borehole at Boort Meerbeek, on Malines-
          Louvain road.

          Sondage à sec, done April 1945.
          Surface height 11m
          Depth 46.33m
          Final diameter 6 inches (15cm)
          With gauze-wrapped filter between 32.3 and 45m, packed
          With graded sand.
          Water rest level 2.4m below surface.
          Pumping level unknon, above pump suction at 29.7m deep.
          Tested yield by pump ( not maximum) 1330 gals (6.0 m3) jour.

          Analysis of water.

          Total hardness (as CaCO3)     - 20.4 per 100.000
          Temporary hardness (as CaCO3) - 20.4 per 100.000
          Permanent hardness -nil
          Total alkalinity (as CaCO3)   - 31.4 per 100.000
          Chlorides (as NaCl)           -  2.9 per 100.000
                    (as Cl)             -  1.7 per 100.000

                 Geological Record           feet           metres

 1 .2      Brown loamy  sand and pebbles    0 - 10       0    - 3.05
 3 .4      Green glauconiticsandy clay     10 - 15       3.05 - 4.57
 5.        Grey sandy clay                 15 - 20       4.57 - 6.10
 6*.7      Green, very sandy glauconitic
           clay                            20 - 25       6.10 - 7.62
 8 .9*     Grey sandy clay                 25 - 35       7.62 -10.67
10.        Grey glauconitic clayey fine
           zand,many Nummulites            35 - 40      10.67 -12.19
11*.       Medium glauconitic sand and
           som sandy clay many Nummulites  40 - 45      12.19 -13.71

12 .13     Clayey glauconitic fine sand,
           many nummulites                 45 - 55      13.71 -16.76
14.        Medium grey sand, slightly
           clayey, mamy nummulites         55 - 60      16.76 -18.29
15 .16     Fine light grey sand, lightly
           cemented no visible nummulites  60 - 70      18.29 -21.34
17 .18     Fine grey sand and sandstone
           with shells and nummulites      70 - 82      21.34 -25.00
19.        Hard light grey clacareous
           sandstone with bryozoa and
           casts of shells                 82 - 85      25.00 -25.91
20*       Clean fine grey sand with Nummulites    85 -90    25.91 27.44
          (ontbreekt) Medium clean grey
          glauconitic sand                        90 -98    27.44 29.87
21*       Calcareaus sandstone- (bored block,
          encrusted with bryozoa and serpulids    98-100    29.87 30.48
          (ontbreekt sand (no speciemens)        100-126    30.48 38.40
22.23 .24 Medium grey glauconitic quartzose
          sand, some sandstone, rare nummulites  126-138    38.40 42.06
25.26*.27.Medium grey glauconitic quartzose
          sand, minute shell fragments, much
          sandstone                              138-148    42.06 45.10
28*.      Fine grey clayey sand; siliceous and
          calcareous sandstone                   148-152    45.10 46.33

          Provisional Correlation : 0   -  3.0m Pleistocene;
                                    3.0 - 10.7m Asschian
                                   10.7 - 27.4  Wemmelian and
                                   27.4 - 46.33 Bruxellian.

          (Numerotatie bijgevoed door R. Legrand, op den 31.III.1949)
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