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Nr. 314 (II, d)

uitgevoerd te : Kruibeke
Voor Primair grondwatermeetnet AROL
Datum : 1989
Topografische ligging opgetekend volgens AROL
Boringsmethode : inspoeling
Coördinaten : X : 142 362,13
              Y : 205 821,00
Hoogte van het maaiveld : + 9,321 m

Aard der grondlagen volgens B. FOBE : Peilput in Formatie van Lede

Kruibeke (42E314)
000 – 001 m	dark brown sand
001 – 027 m	grey clay with septaria beds
027 – 048 m	fine sand with glauconite and clay beds
048 – 098 m	alternation of heavy clay, silt and sandy clay, occasionally with glauconite
098 – 103 m	grey very fine sand with fossils and stone layers
103 – 112 m	medium sand, glauconitic, with stone layers
112 – 122 m	very fine argillaceous sand with stone layer (115 m)
122 – 131 m	medium sand, glauconitic, with clayey sand (129 m) and coarse sand at the base (130-131 m)
131 – 135 m	brown glauconitic sandy clay
135 – 145 m	grey glauconitic clay
145 – 148 m	grey clay and Nummulites planulatus
148 – 156 m	green grey very fine glauconitic sand

000 – 001 m	Quaternary
001 – 027 m	Boom Formation
027 – 048 m	Zelzate Formation
048 – 098 m	Maldegem Formation
098 – 103 m	Lede Formation
103 – 131 m	Vlierzele Formation
	103 – 112 m: upper sand unit
	112 – 122 m: middle sandy clay unit
	122 – 131 m: lower sand unit
131 – 148 m	Ieper Formation, Merelbeke Member
148 – 156 m	Ieper Formation, Egem Member  

ref. Ypresian lithostratigraphy in Northern Belgium
      B. Fobe

Bull. De le Soc. Belge de Géologie, T 102 (1-2), 1993, pp. 254-257
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