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Nr 256 (VI) Borehole at Antwerp, april 1945.

            British army borehole to obtain washing water.
            Abandoned whithout yield test, owing to high
            salinity, and tubes withdrawn.
            Surface level about 7 m (nota: 2 m??)
            Rest water level 8 feet (2.4 m) below surface.

                                                 feet           metres
1         Light grey, medium quartzose
          glauconitic sand with shell and peat
          fragments                              0 -  3        0.00 -  0.91
2         Idem, with fewer shells                3 -  6        0.91 -  1.83
3         Brown-grey medium quartzose
          glauconitic sand                       6 -  8        1.83 -  2.44
4*?-9     Light grey medium quartzose
          glauconitic sand with peaty bands and
          shell fragments                        8 - 24        2.44 -  7.31
10        Mixed peat and fine sand, slightly
          clayey in parts                       24 - 26        7.31 -  7.92
11*       Sandy peat                            26 - 28        7.92 -  8.54
12*       Dark brown peat without large plant
          remains                               28 - 31 1/2    8.54 -  9.60
13        woody peat                        31 1/2 - 35        9.60 - 10.67
14        Grey black sandy peat with shell and
          plant fragments and ? vivianite       35 - 38       10.67 - 11.58
15-16     Fine grey-green glauconitic
          sand with rests of dark green
          slightly clayey sand and
          occasional peaty sand                 38 - 43       11.58 - 13.10
17-21     Medium light grey-green
          quartzose glauconitic sand
          with rare small quartz
          pebbles                               43 - 54       13.10 - 16.45
22-23-24- Coarse greenish sand with
25        many large shell fragments
          and pebbles                           54 - 63       16.45 - 19.20
26*       grey plastic clay                     63 - 65       19.20 - 19.81

          ( 0.00 - 11.58 m Holocene
           11.58 - 19.20   Pleistocene
           19.20 - 19.81   Argile de Boom.)

Salinity figures as milligrams of NaC1 per litre.

 0.00 - 2.4 m   -     32   Probably water        Subsequent tests of shallow
 2.4  - 3.96 m  -     31   used for              holes showed a salinity
 3.96 - 5.48 m  -     51   drilling              between 5 - 7 metres of
 5.48 - 7.0 m   -     30                         510 mg NaC1 per litre
    10.06 m     -     58
    11.58 m     -    620
11.58 - 13.10 m -  8.700
    19.20 m     - 10.250

Subsequently a series of shallow holes were sunk, each 24'(7.3 m) deep 4m
apart. Average yield was 300 gals (1.4 m 3) hour each. Water was taken by
screening and sand packing between 8'(2.4 m) and 23'(7.0 m).Diameter 10
inches (25 cms). Salinity 510 mg NaC1/litre. (Numerotatie bijgevoegd door
R. LEGRAND, 31.3.1949)

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