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Kaart nr.:	17W
PLAAT:   			Beerse
Nr.:     			0280
Type Boring:   		geothermie
Topografische kaart:	8/7
Uitgevoerd te:   		Beerse
Post nr.:			
Adres boorplaats:		Kolonie Merksplas

Opdrachtgever:		GOM / BGD
Boorfirma:			Smet DB
Boordatum:			20.5 - 8.6.1987
Topografie:			landmeting
Stalen door:		boormeester
Boormethode:		rotary 12 1/4 tot 200 m; 8 1/2 tot 710 m; 6" tot 800 m, afwisselend met conventionele kernen in PQ 85 mm
Lengte & doormeters:	13 3/8 conductor pipe tot 25 m; 9 5/8 tot 194 m; 7" tot 708.60 m; open hole completion tot 800 m

1ste maal:			
Bij rust:			
Tijdens pompen:		
Waterzaak nr.:		
Totale diepte:		800 m
Stalen bewaard:		ja (boorkernen in kernmagazijn)
Maaiveld / ref. peil: 	29.71 m MV ; 33.95 m nulpunt boring
X:				182012
Y:				225742
NIS code:			

 Nr.  van   *	tot    * 	AARD DER GRONDLAGEN
000.00 - 017.00	superficial deposits
017.00 - 021.00	grey clay with lignite	
021.00 - 028.00	fine sand with lignite debris
028.00 - 050.00	grey-green glauconitic sand, with coquinas
050.00 - 072.00	grey-green coarse to fine glauconitic sand
072.00 - 149.00?	green glauconitic rather fine sand
149.00? - 162.00	dark green glaucnite sand with shells
162.00 - 262.00	silty and plastic clay
262.00 - 280.00	plastic clay with septaria
280.00 - 295.00	silty to plastic clay with septaria
295.00 - 306.00	fine silty sand
306.00 - 309.00 	more clay
320.00 - 324.00	fine sand
324.00 - 327.00	more clay
327.00 - 335.00	fine sand
335.00 - 351.00	clay
351.00 - 356.00	more sand
356.00 - 366.00	silty clay
366.00 - 376.00	silty clay with 'bande noire'
376.00 - 378.00	green-grey fine clayey glauconitic sand with Nummulites
378.00 - 393.00	quartz sand with sandstone layers
393.00 - 432.00	green fine glauconitic sand, with cemented sandstone
432.00 - 436.00	heavy clay
436.00 - 459.00	green very fine sand with clay laminae
459.00 - 476.00	green-grey heavy clay
476.00 - 512.00	green-grey heavy clay
512.00 - 558.00	green-grey heavy clay
558.00 - 570.00	green-grey heavy clay
570.00 - 593.00	silty to clayey fine glauconitic sand
593.00 - 643.00	clayey sand
643.00 - 669.00	silty clay to heavy clay
669.00 - 674.00	clayey marl
674.00 - 685.00	marly chalk
685.00 - 692.00	green fine glauconite sand
692.00 - 723.00	yellow porous calcarenite with lithified beds
723.00 - 791.00	white porous fine calcarenite with many flint nodules and layers

000.00 - 017.00	Quaternary
017.00 - 021.00	Kempen Formation
021.00 - 028.00	Merksplas Formation
028.00 - 050.00	Lillo Formation
050.00 - 072.00	Kasterlee Formation
072.00 - 149.00 ?	Diest Formation
149.00 ? - 162.00	Berchem Formation
162.00 - 262.00	Boom Formation, Putte Member
262.00 - 280.00	Boom Formation, Terhagen Member
280.00 - 295.00	Boom Formation, Belsele-Waas Member
295.00 - 306.00	Zelzate Formation, Ruisbroek Member
306.00 - 309.00 	Zelzate Formation, Watervliet Member
320.00 - 324.00	Zelzate Formation, Bassevelde Member
324.00 - 327.00	Maldegem Formation, Onderdijke Member
327.00 - 335.00	Maldegem Formation, Buisputten Member
335.00 - 351.00	Maldegem Formation, Zomergem Member
351.00 - 356.00	Maldegem Formation, Onderdale Member
356.00 - 366.00	Maldegem Formation, Ursel Member
366.00 - 376.00	Maldegem Formation, Asse Member
376.00 - 378.00	Maldegem Formation, Wemmel Member
378.00 - 393.00	Lede Formation
393.00 - 432.00	transition Brussel Formation - Gentbrugge Formation
432.00 - 436.00	Gentbrugge Formation, Merelbeke Member
436.00 - 459.00	Tielt Formation
459.00 - 476.00	Kortrijk Formation, Aalbeke Member
476.00 - 512.00	Kortrijk Formation, Moen Member
512.00 - 558.00	Kortrijk Formation, Saint-Maur Member
558.00 - 570.00	Kortrijk Formation, Mont-Héribu Member
570.00 - 593.00	Tienen Formation
593.00 - 643.00	Hannut Formation, Halen Member
643.00 - 669.00	Hannut Formation, Waterschei Member
669.00 - 674.00	Hannut Formation, Maaseik Member
674.00 - 685.00	Heers Formation, Gelinden Member
685.00 - 692.00	Heers Formation, Orp Member
692.00 - 723.00	Houthem Formation
723.00 - 791.00	Maastricht Formation

Merksplas-Beerse II (GeoDoc 017W0280), lithostratigraphic subdivision based on geophysical well log interpretation (by K. Welkenhuysen, 30.08.2007).

AUTEUR	M. Dusar, 6.10.2010
Basisinformatie: wellsite en pumping test report by Lie Sun Fan.





017W/0280 (, ) KAARTBLAD: Beerse
p. 2/1

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