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Kaart Nr.:			17 W		
PLAAT:			Beerse
Nr.:				265 (II, c)
Type Boring:		geothermie; KB 165
Topografische kaart:	8/7
Uitgevoerd te:		Beerse
Post nr.:			2340
Adres boorplaats:		Rijkskolonie Merksplas
Ossenweg, Meergoor
Opdrachtgever:		BGD
Boorfirma:			Smet DB
Boordatum:			1983		
Stalen door:		de boormeester
Boormethode:		inspoeling
Lengte & doormeters:	zie opmerking

Grondwaterstanden:	Dinantiaanreservoir
1ste maal:			
Bij rust:			66 m
Tijdens pompen:		190 m
Debiet:			72 m³/h
Waterzaak nr.:		5463 (voor productie en reïnjectie doublet)
Totale diepte:		1761 m 
Stalen bewaard:		ja (selectie in lithotheek)
Maaiveld / ref. peil: 	+ 29.69 m MV / + 33.89 m draaitafel = referentiepeil
X:				181938
Y:				225856
NIS code:			13004

	depth (m)	   level	lithology, lithostratigraphy	time stratigraphy
	  0,0 -  47,0	 +29,7 - -13,1	Sands, clays, Campine Sand and Clay	Tiglian
	 47,0 -  65,0	 -13,1 - -31,1	Shelly sands, Lillo Formation	Plaisancian
	 65,0 - 121,0	 -31,1 - -87,1	Diest Formation	Upper Miocene
	 65,0 - 107,0	 -31,1 - -73,1	Medium glauconitic sands
	107,0 - 121,0	 -73,1 - -87,1	Fine glauconitic sands, Dessel Sands
	121,0 - 169,0 	-87,1 - -135,1	Glauconite rich sands, Berchem Formation	Lower
	169,0 - 305,0 -135,1 - -271,1	Boom Clay Formation		Rupelian
	305,0 – 318,5	 -271,1 - -284,6	Ruisbroek Sands (Zelzate Formation)		Rupelian
	318,5 - 380,0 	-284,6 - -346,1	Maldegem and Zelzate Formations
	318,5 - 323,0 	-284,6 - -289,1	a4 Watervliet Clay
	323,0 - 328,5 	-289,1 - -294,6	s3 Bassevelde Sands	Upper Eocene
	328,5 - 330,5 	-294,6 - -296,6	a3 Onderdijke Clay
	330,5 - 341,1 	-296,6 - -307,6	s2 Buisputten Sands
	341,5 - 355,0	 -307,6 - -321,1	a2 Zomergem Clay
	355,0 - 360,0	 -321,1 - -326,1	s1 Onderdale Sands
	360,0 - 380,0	 -326,1 - -346,1	a1 Asse and Ursel Clay
	380,0 – 397,5	 -346,1 - -363,6	Wemmel Sands (Maldegem Formation)	Lutetian
	397,5 – 435,0	 -363,6 - -401,1	Lede, Brussel, Panisel Sands	Middle Eocene
	435,0 - 576,0 	-401,1 - -542,1	Ieper Group Clays	Lower Eocene
	576,0 - 676,5 	-542,1 - -642,6	Landen Group	Paleocene
	576,0 - 596,0 	-542,1 - -562,1	Lagoonal clay, with shells
	596,0 - 645,0 	-562,1 - -611,1	Sandy clay
	645,0 - 676,5 	-611,1 - -642,6	Marly clay
	676,5 - 693,5 	-642,6 - -659,6	Heers Formation	Paleocene
	676,5 - 689,0 	-642,6 - -655,1	Gelinden Marl
	689,0 - 693,5 	-655,1 - -659,6	Glauconitic Orp Sand
	693,5 - 724,0	 -659,6 - -690,1	Maastricht and Houthem	Upper Maastrichtian
			Calcarenites	/ Danian
	791,0 - 882,0 	-757,1 - -848,1	Upper Gulpen Chalk	Maastrichtian
			(Vijlen-Lanaye, Beutenaken)

	882,0 - 916,0	 -848,1 - -882,1	Beutenaken Marl	Lower Maastrichtian
	916,0 - 966,0	-881,1-  -932,1	Lower Gulpen (Zeven Wegen ) Chalk	Campanian
	966,0 - 1005,0	-932,1-  -972,1	Vaals Formation, Herve Marl	Campanian

		chrono	litho

	top 1005 m		1005 m

		Westphalian A stage	Chatelet Fm

			Floriffoux Mbr	1214 m
			Ransart Mbr
			1297 m

	1390 m		

	1442 m			Andenne Fm

	1607 m					1614 m
		Alportian – Arnsbergian	Chokier Fm
	1630 m					1630 m
		Pendleian ?	Viesville Fm ?
	1643 m				1643 m
			Warnantian			1656 m

	end 1760 m		1760 m

AUTEUR     M. Dusar, 25.10.2001
referentie: Noël Vandenberghe, Michiel Dusar, Paul Boonen, Lie Sun Fan, Rudy 
Voets, Jos Bouckaert . 2001. The Merksplas-Beerse geothermal well (17W265) and 
the Dinantian reservoir. Geologica Belgica, 3/3-4  (7 figures and 7 tables)

Carboon Horizon or marker level	    Merksplas	 Turnhout	Meer

Top Carboniferous	1005 m	1000 m	1186 m
Quaregnon (= base Westphalian B)	---		(1178 m)
(= limit Westphalian Al/A2 base Mons Member)	---	1132 m	1660 m
Girondelle 6 (= base Grande Stampe Stérile)	---	1339 m	1869 m
Girondelle 3 (base coal bearing facies)	1091 m	1412 m	1946 m
Lairesse M.B.	1157 m	1495 m	2019 m
Finefau Nebenbank M.B. 
(= base Floriffoux Member)	1214 m	1546 m	2075 m
Sarnsbank M.B. 
(= base Westphalian, base Ransart Member)	1297 m	1668 m	2237 m
Hauptflöz M.B.	1361 m	1777 m	---
Nivoie M.B. (= base Yeadonian)	1390 m	1795 m	---
R. gracile - R. bilingue (= base Marsdenian)	1442 m	1848 m	---
unnamed M.B.	1493 m	1955 m	---
unnamed M.B.	1534 m	2005 m	---
top Rlb sequence, 
top predominantly marine facies in Turnhout	1590 m	2078 m	---
Base Rlb zone (= base Kinderscoutian)	1607 m	2138 m	---
Top radioactive shales, ‘H2c’ (= top Alportian)	1614 m	2142 m	---
Dinantian-Namurian boundary 
(= base Arnsbergian)	1630 m	2162 m	---
Base radioactive shales, top carbonates	1643 m	2175 m	---
Top massive limestone	1656 m	2195 m	---

	Stratigraphic boundary	depth below (m)	d?time below MSL (sec)

	MSL	Surface	OWT	TWT


Top Lower Miocene			0,0475	0,0950
Top Boom Clay	- 135,1	- 164,8	0,075	0,15
Base Boom Clay	- 271,1	- 300,8	0,153	0,306
Base Lower Rupelian 
	Sands	- 281,1	-310,8	0,1585	0,317
base s4	- 284,6	- 314,3	0,160	0,32
base a4	- 289,1	- 318,8	0,162	0,324
base s3	- 294,6	- 324,3	0,165	0,33
base a3	- 296,6	- 326,3	0,1655	0,331
base s2	- 307,6	- 337,3	0,1715	0,343
base a2	- 321,1	- 350,8	0,1795	0,359
base s1	- 326,1	-355,8	0,182	0,364
base a1	- 346,1	-375,8	0,1925	0,385
Base ‘Wemmel Sands’	- 363,6	- 393,3	0,200	0,4
Base ‘Lede’	- 380,06	- 409,76	0,209	0,418
Base Lede / Brussel.	- 401,0	- 430,7	0,2195	0,439
/ Panisel.
Ieper	Z	- 429,56	- 459,26	0,2365	0,473
	Y	- 440,06	- 469,76	0,240	0,480
	X	- 446,06	- 475,76	0,242	0,484
Base Ieper Clays	- 542,1	- 571,8	0,288	0,576
Base Upper Landen 
	(contin)	- 562,1	- 591,8	0,300	0,6
Base Marine (?) 
	Landen Sands	- 611,1	- 640,8	0,323	0,646
Base Lower Landen	- 642,6	- 672,3	0,338	0,676
Base Gelinden Marl	- 655,1	- 684,8	0,342	0,684
Base Heers	- 659,6	- 689,3	0,344	0,688
Houthem Chalk	- 690,1	- 719,8	0,360	0,720
Base Maastricht Chalk	- 757,1	- 786,8	0,3765	0,753
Base Upper Gulpen Chalk	- 848,1	- 877,8	0,405	0,810
Beutenaken Marl	- 882,1	- 911,8	0,416	0,832
Base Lower Gulpen Chalk	- 932,1	- 961,8	0,432	0,864
Vaals Formation	- 972,1	- 1001,8	0,4425	0,885
Sarnsbank	- shale	- 1189,06	- 1218,76 m	0,496	0,992
	- sandstone base	- 1205,06	- 1234,76 m	0,500	1
Din. / Nam. boundary	- 1596,06	- 1625,76 m	0,593	1,186
Top Compact Limestone	- 1622,06	- 1651,76 m	0,5985	1,197


Water levels were measured in the well and pressures recorded in ameradas at 
1608 m depth with a normal reservoir water pressure of 161.9 bar at this 
level. A submersible pump was positioned at 200 m KB in the well to carry out 
a stepwise pumping test for a total of 50 hours with pressure recovery 
registration during an additional 97 hours. A volume of 3253 m³ was pumped and 
stored in a specially built reservoir. A stabilised flow rate of 72 m³/h was 
established at a pressure 148.7 bar for a pressure drop at the ameradas of 
13.2 bar. This equates to a productivity index of 5.4 m³/h/bar. The water 
level measured in the well during the pumping stabilised at 190 m KB. The 13.2 
bar pressure drop represents a reservoir water column of 124 m indicating that 
the equilibrium water column head is at approximately 66 m depth. As the water 
column cools, its head will descend. The produced water was reinjected after 
proper treatment and an injectivity of about 3.7 m³/h/bar was obtained, 
establishing a productivity/injectivity ratio of 1.45.

Putarchitectuur (fig 1C in Vandenberghe et al., 2001)

   0   -  179 m		bit 26”		buis 20”
 179   -  512 m		bit 17”1/2	  	buis 13”3/8
 512   - 1006 m		bit 12”1/2		buis 9”5/8 afgesneden op 356 m
1006   - 1627.5 m	  	bit 8”1/2		buis 7” afgesneden op 852 m
1627.5 - 1761 m		bit 6”1/4		open boorgat


p. 1/5

 00.00 m – 47.00 m	Greyish clay with lignite and sands with fine distributed lignite at the base – Campine Form
 47.00 m – 65.00 m	green glauconite rich very fine sand. Upper Lillo Fm
		Green grey glauconite sand very rich on shells. Lower Lillo Fm
 65.00 m –107.00 m	Grey green fine glauconitic sand with shell – Kattendijk/Kasterlee
		medium to coarse glauconitic sands with gravels at the base.
		Fairly glauconitic fine sand – Dessel Sand
107.00 m –121.00 m	fine glauconitic sand – Dessel Sand
121.00 m –169.00 m	glauconitic rich green sand clayey the base – Berchem Sand
		glauconitic rich dark green sand with shells – Voort Sand
169.00 m –305.00 m	Green silty clay – Bandend Boom Clay
		Green plastic clay with Septaria (Silty to sandy at the base with pyrite) – Compacted Boom Clay
305.00 m –315.00 m	Silty fine sand – Berg Sand R1b
315.00 m –318.50 m	Sand – s4
318.50 m –323.00 m	Clay – a4
323.00 m –328.00 m	Sand – s3
318.00 m –330.50 m	Clay – a3
330.50 m –340.50 m	Sand – s2
340.50 m –355.50 m	clay – a2
355.50 m –360.00 m	sand – Asse Sand s1
360.00 m –380.00 m	sandy, silty clay, Bende Noir at the base – Asse Clay a1
380.00 m –397.50 m	Greengrey clayey glauc. fine sand with Nummulites – Wemmel Sand
		Sand with sandstone layers Quartzic – Lede and/or Brussel Formations
397.50 m –435.00 m	Pld glauconitic geenish fine sand at the top and sand.
			PlcII facies at the lower part. – Vlierzele Member
		PlcI with many cemented sandstone layers. – Pittem Member
			Plm heavy clay – Merelbeke Member
435.00 m –576.00 m	Yd very fine green sand with clay laminae – Egem Member
			greengrey heavy clay – Ieper Clay Yc
576.00 m –645.00 m	fine sand
		silty to clayey, glauconitic sand – L2 continental
		sand – L1d
		clayey – Upper L1c
		sand – Lincent member 
645.00 m –662.00 m	clay at the base – Lower L1c
		silty clay
		heavy clay.- L1b
662.00 m –676.50 m	silty clay – L1b.
676.50 m –689.00 m	marly chalk – Gelinden Marl a
689.00 m –694.50 m	glauconite rich fine green sand – Orp Sand
694.50 m –724.00 m	yellowish calcarenite porous chalk with silex banks – Vroenhoven Tuffeau
724.00 m –794.00 m	white porus fine chalk with many silex banks – Maastricht Chalk
794.00m -	white chalk – Upper Gulpen
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