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Kaart-Nr:           16E            
PLAAT:              Oostmalle
Nr:                 176 (IIIa)
Type Boring:             Filterput (gas) DZH14
Topografische kaart:     8/6
Uitgevoerd te:           Rijkevorsel
Postnr:             2310
Adres boorplaats:        Korenblok - Heiveld Karreweg

Opdrachtgever:      Distrigas - BGD
Boorfirma:               Foraky
Boordatum:               13 dec. 1989 - 26 jan. 1990
Topografie:              opgemeten door Distrigas
Stalen door:        de werfgeoloog
Boringsmethode:          inspoeling
Lengte & doormeters:     17"1/2>13"3/8 tot 48.9m; 12"1/4>9"5/8 tot 195m;  8"1/2>7" tot 1250m; 6"1/8>5" tot 1403 m
1ste maal:               
Bij rust :               
Tijdens pompen:          
Totale diepte:      verticaal 1380 m t.o.v. maaiveld, 1403 m geboord 
Stalen bewaard:          ja door BGD 
Maaiveld/ref. peil:      + 27.76 m
X:                  175609.6
Y:                  227355.4
NIS-code:           13037


DESCRIPTION                                     DEPTH       SAMPLE    DEPTH WITH     VERTICAL
                                                Cutting          LAG TIME  DEPTH    

Soil sand, yellow                                  6         6
Greygreen plastic clay, non calcitic               8  x      8   
Medium grey sand                                   9         9
Greengrey silty clay                              10  x     10.5
Greengrey clayey silt with lignite and            17        17
few quartz grain
Ditto, with some wood fragments, gradually        23  x     23
increase in grain size                            
Grey clayey silt, mix with few quartz grain,      28        28
heterogenous with some wood fragments, lignite 
Silty to medium-fine grey sand with lignite       32        32
Medium to coarse quartz sand, palegrey, medium    42        x    42
sorted, with lignite
Ditto, coaser, heterogenous, with wood fragment,  49        49
and lignite
--------------------END PHASE  - 17 1/2"------------------------------

Darkgreen glauconite-rich fine sand, abundance    55  x     55
of fine shell fragments (note-sample was taken by
the drilling crew)
Fine to medium sand, grey, heterogenous,          65        65
glauconitic, few shell fragments, fully 
contaminated with cement (??) 
Grey, glauconitic fine sand, abundance of shell   70  x     70
remain, mainly thick-wall shell, gastropodes, 
dentalium, fine thin-wall shell remain,
pectine, small black gravel, few quartz grain,
cemented siltstone
Darkgreen glauconite-rich fine sand, abundance of     75         75
shell fragments, with some cement impurity
Medium to coarse green sand, very rich on         79  x     79   
glauconite, with some quartz grains, less shell
Darkgreen medium to coarse sand, very rich on     85        85
glauconite, shell fragments content is strongly
reduced, with a large piece of cement
Greengrey coarse sand, fairly glauconitic, with   90  x     90
few shell fragments
Ditto, no shell fragments                         95        95
Coarse quartzitic light green sand with few fine  100 x     100  
shell remain, glauconitic, with black fragments
Ditto, finer in grain size, more in glauconite,   105       104
cement impurity, shell fragments, siltstone
Greengrey heterogenous fine to coarse grain sand, 110       107
rich on glauconite, very few fine shell fragments
Darkgreen fine sand to silt, rich on glauconite,  115 x     112
with some quartz grain
Ditto                                             120       116
Darkgreen glauconite-rich silty fine sand   125       123.5
contaminated with some cement fragments
Ditto, with few quartz grains, a lot of           130       128.5
contaminations - casing and cement material
Ditto, full with contaminated material; grease,   135       133
cement etc. (may be material fall down from wash-
out area at about 90m)
Ditto, but coaser grains                    140       137.5
Ditto, heterogenous coarse sand, very rich on     145 x     142.5
Darkgreen fine sand to silt, rich on glauconite,  150 x     146.5
with shell abundant, mainly Dentalium
Ditto, silty sand, rather clayey            155   x   151.5
Ditto, obviously the glauconite grains are much   160 x     157
coaser, heterogenous, dark-darkgreen, with shell
fragments and few cement, with some quartz grain
(contamination material)
Clayey, lees green in colour, thus less glauconite    165   x    162
content, colour towards grey
Greengrey plastic clay                            170 x     167.5
Ditto, rather silty                               175       173.5
Ditto, with some large cement block               180       179
Ditto, greengrey plastic clay                     185       183
Ditto                                             190 x     188
Ditto                                       195       193.5
Greengrey plastic compact clay (sample from RB)   200 x     198  

------------------ END PHASE 12-1/4"-----------------------------------------
Ditto, greengrey clay, less plastic, sandy, and   205       203
with some cement contamination
Greengrey sandy clay (note: Septaria was not found)210           207
Ditto, but plastic, still contaminated by cement  215       213
Ditto                                             220 x     218
Ditto, silty clay                                 225       223
Ditto, rather sandy clay (with cement plug fragment)  230        228
Greyish compact clay                              235       234
Ditto, with contamination                   240       239
Ditto                                             245       244
Ditto                                             250       249
Greengrey compact clay with sand-fraction and     255 x     254  
Ditto, but more plastic, more grey and less sand  260 x     258.5
Dark greengrey compact clay with black fragments  265       263.5
(pyrite/apatite?), some sand concretions
Greyish clay, less compact, rather silty, with some   270   x    267
hard sandstone concretions (not Septaria), glauconite
Ditto                                             275       267
Ditto, sandier (rubber fragment from cement plug  280 x     272

Greyish compact clay, rather silty, with siltstone    285        275
concretions, few fine shell fragments 
Greyish strong silty clay with some shell fragments   290   x    281
Ditto                                             295       283
Strong glauconitic sandy clay, with some fine shell   300   x    288
Ditto, sandier and strong glauconitic, greener in     305        303.5
colour, with cement plug rubber, few sandstone
Greengrey strong sandy clay, glauconitic, with some   310   x    304
black fragments and sandstone concretions
Grey, fine to medium sand, glauconite, with some  315 x     305
shell fragments
Greengrey sandy clay                              320 x     317
Greengrey compact clay (silty)                    325 x     318
Greengrey sandy clay, with sandstone concretions  330 x     328.5
Ditto                                             335       333.5
Greygreen rather compact clay, sandy              340 x     337.5
Ditto, with a hard lime concretions (Septaria?)   345       343.5
Ditto, but with hard sandstone concretion   350       345.5
Greygreen compact clay, sandy               355       353
Ditto                                       360   x   358
Greengrey, clayey fine to medium sand, with plenty    365   x    363
of fine round-shell fragments (Nummulites?),
gastropodes, few large shell-remains, glauconitic
Shell-bed (Lummicelle horizon), abundant of 370   x   363.5
Nummulites (white and darkgrey types), brown 
Ditto, with sandstone concretions, Echinoderms    375 x     371
Belemites?, Nummulites
Ditto                                       380       375
Ditto                                             385       384.5
Clayey fine sand with large shell-remain (Ostrea, 390 x     385.5
Pectines), casing material, much sandstone concretions
Grey clayey fine sand with a lot of casing material,  395        390.5
abundance of large shell-remains, sandstone concretions
Nummulites, black fragments, glauconite concretions
Ditto, with some paint impurity             400   x   392
Clayey rather coarse sand, abundance of shell,    405       400
sandstone concretions still observed
Clayey fine sand, casing material, contaminated   410 x     404
Strong clayey fine sand, less shell fragments,    415 x     406
casing material, cement plug rubber were still
present, sandstone concretions
Greengrey glauconitic strongly clayey fine sand   420 x     416
with few large and fine shell-remains
Greygreen glauconitic sandy clay, no more shell   425 x     417
fragments (Yd-formation?)
Clayey sand                                       430       418
Green silty fine sand, (casing material), with som    435   x    419
clay pieces, sandstone concretions and shell          
fragments (impurity)
Greygreen sandy clay to silt with sandstone       440 x     425.5
Greygreen sandy clay, more compact, less sandstone    445        435
Ditto                                             450       444
Strong sandy greygreen clay                 455       445.5
Greygreen sandy compact clay with few sandstone   460 x     450.5
concretions, shell fragments impurity
Greygreen strong clayey sand                465       455
Greygreen sandy clay                              470 x     463
Greygreen plastic clay, rather sandy        475   x   468
Ditto                                       480       479
Greygreen compact clay, rather sandy and glauconitic  485   x    483.5
Ditto                                       490       489
Ditto                                       495       492.5
Greygreen clayey sand to silt               500   x   497
Greygreen sandy compact clay                505       501.5
Greygreen sandy compacter clay              510   x   504
Ditto                                             515       508.5
Ditto                                             520 x     511.5
Greygreen compact clay, less sand content   525   x   519.5
Ditto                                       530       526
Ditto, with some concretions                535   x   529
( Note : unsuccessful coring program at 538 M;
         core bit was stuck at about 370 m, sample
         from core bit shows Greygreen compact clay
         with large shell pieces, concretions,
         Base of Asse clay - transition to Lede
Greygreen compact clay, fraction of Pyrite, rich  540       538
on glauconite
Ditto                                       545   x   541.5
Greygreen silty to sandy clay               550       549
Ditto                                       555       549.5
Ditto, sandy clay with impurities           560   x   557
Greygreen compact clay, with glauconite     565   x   564
Ditto                                       570       569
Ditto                                       575       573
Practically no sample on the shaker, sand or      580       574.5
strongly sandy clay?
Greygreen sandy clay, still contaminated with     585 x     575
material from upper levels
Greengrey plastic clay, rather sandy, with lime   590 x     576
content (with HCl)
Strong clayey fine sand, abundance with lignite   595 x     579
en fine shell fragments 
Darkbrown clayey fine sand (with a lot of clay
pieces from upper level, dominated by lignite and
very fine shell fragments (representative sample) 596 x     580
Darkgrey sandy clay, with plenty of shell fragments   600   x    597
and lignite
Lighter in colour, light greengrey sandy clay, marly  605   x    597.5
and less shell-remains
Clayey sand, marly, with abundant of lignite and  610 x     600.5
shell fragments (fine sand fraction)
Greengrey clayey sand, marly, abundant with shel  615 x     606.5
fragments and lignite
Ditto, less clayey, silty, with sandstone concretion  620   x    609
and marl impurities
Lightgrey clayey sand to sandy clay, lignite and  625 x     612
and shell-remain are still present (e.g. Turitella)
Lightgrey marly clay, with ligniet and shell-remain   630   x    616
Dark-greengrey compact clay, mix with marly clay  635 x     625
lesser content of lignite and shell-remain
Greygreen sandy and silty clay, again with shell  640 x     635
remain impurities
Ditto, colour is much lighter, silty        645   x   642
Lightgrey plastic compact clay              650   x   647.2
Ditto                                             655       652.1
Greygreen plastic clay, with hard claystone 660   x   656.5
Ditto                                             665            662
Greygreen plastic and compact clay                670 x     666
Mixing of green compact clay with lightgrey marl  675       670.5
Whitegrey marl, with impurities of Waterschei -   680 x     675
Ditto                                             685       680
Ditto                                             690 x     683.5
First sign of Cretaceous chalk cuttings, mix with 691            689
large pieces of Waterschei claystone and marl
of Gelinden
Yellow-white chalk, abundant of flintstone cuttings   691.8 x    689.5
in rectangular form, with clay and marl from the  
upper level, casing material (Orp sand cuttings was
not observed so far)
Yellow-white chalk, full with clay material from  695       691.5
upper level (=first sample after tripping)
Calcarenite chalk with flintstone (Vroenhoven -   700       692
member), still with impurities of claystone, 
lignite, Nummulite, Dentalium, and casing material
Ditto, with green hard claystone            705   x   695
Yellow-white chalk, calcarenite, with abundant of 710 x     703
of flintstone, still with green hard claystone, 
marl, and lignite impurities
Ditto                                       715       713
----------------END VERTICAL SECTION-----------------------------------------
----------------START BUILD UP DEVIATION 1°/10 M-----------------------------

White chalk with flintstone, contaminated with    720       717
green claystone, full with grease and casing 
Greywhite soft chalk, dominated by calcarenite,   725 x     722
with yellowish and grey flintstone, still
contaminated with darkgreen hard claystone, present  
of fine sand fraction
Ditto, full with contamination of paint, clay,    730       725
Ditto, with more grey flintstone, contaminated    735 x     728
Ditto, chalk fraction is finer, less flintstone   740       738.5
content, and less claystone contamination
Ditto, contain a lot of grey coloured flintstone  743       740.5
White tuff-chalk, soft, mixed with calcarenite    744 x     743
Fully contaminated sample with paints, grease,    745            744
White chalk, mix with calcarenite, fully          746       745
contaminated by green small claystone
White chalk, dominated by grey flintstone, mix    750 x     750
with calcarenite, contain a lot of claystone
from upper level

Fine milled (powdered) white chalk (due to slow   751 x     750.5
penetration rate - bit worn out), much less 
flintstone content, still with claystone
Ditto                                             752 x     751
Ditto                                                753    x    752.5
          ---------change RB------------
Lightgrey fine calcarenite, with few white tuff   755       752.5
chalk, a lot of hard green claystone contamination,
grey marl, less flintstone (yellow and grey), with
casing material
Lightgrey calcarenite fraction chalk, still with  760 x     758
claystone, a lot of grey and black flintstones
Ditto, abundant of grey flintstone, rather milled 765       
Ditto,  a lot of flintstone                       766.3          766
          -----------change RB------------
Lightgrey chalk with grey flintstone, few fine sand  768.5       767
fraction, hard darkgreen claystone, casing material
Ditto, less contaminated                          770 x     767
Ditto, fine cuttings, more sand fraction, less    775 x     770.5
flintstone, less claystone contamination
Coarse whitegrey chalk-pieces (50) and black + grey   780   x    774.5
flintstone (50), less whitegrey marl, with a small
sandy fraction and some clay cavings.
Ditto, with fine glauconitic sand franction and   785       781.5
very few lightgreen marl
Ditto                                             787       783
Lightgrey Cretaceous chalk, abundant flintstone   790 x     786.5
(black and grey), rather marly
Lightgrey chalk with abundant of black flintstone,    795   x    792
some hard clay cavings, marly matrix
Lightgrey porous hard-chalk and whitegreyish marl,    800   x    796.5
abundant with black flintstone
Again grey chalk in grain, less dark flintstone      805    x    802
Ditto, with cavings of darkgreen hard claystone   813            806.5
and with black fintstone
Grey porous chalk, rather marly, very few black   815 x     812
Again grey porous chalk with few black flintstone,    820   x    817.5
Grey porous chalk with very few black flintstone  825 x     823  822.5
and some hard clay cavings, casing material
Ditto, but in finer fraction                      828.3     x    825  824.5
Fine whitegrey porous chalk, calcarenite, black   830 x     825.5     825
flintstone, contaminated with grease
Greywhite chalk with black flintstone             835       827.5     827
Grey porous chalk with fine milled white chalk,   840 x     833.5     833
with black flintstone
White chalk, marly or fine milled?; grey flintstone   845   x    837  836
claystone cavings
Grey hard chalk with fine milled white chalk and  850 x     843  842.5
grey + black flintstone
Fine milled white marly chalk with grey chalk,    855 x     847.5     846.5
plenty of grey + black flintstone
ditto, but more white marly chalk                 860 x     856  855
Cavings, (first sample after tripping - lag time  867.6          861.5     860.5
about 25 min)
Cavings, drilled too fast (6 min/drill pipe)      870       861.5     860.5
Ditto                                             875       861.5     860.5
White chalk with cavings, drilled too fast        880       867  865.5
White chalk with plenty of grey flintstone and    885 x     875.5     874
cavings (e.i. hard green claystone)
White tuff-chalk with grey porous chalk, plenty of    890   x    885.5     883.5
grey but few black flintstones
Ditto, but rather marly (still with plenty of grey    895   x    888.5     887
flintstone), less clay cavings
Greywhite marly chalk with flintstone       900   x   895.5 893.5
Marly white chalk with flintstone and clay cavings    905   x    896  894
Marly white chalk with grey chalk, with grey (and 910 x     896.5     894.5
also some black + yellow) flintstones, clay cavings
Marly white and grey chalk with lightgrey flintstone 917    x    899.5     897.5
(less yellow and black flintstone), clay cavings     
and casing material
Ditto, less marly (with Py?)                920       900.5 898.5
-------------- Drill string stuck in hole at 924m ---------------------------
Cavings of clay pieces, ROP 12 min/DP, lag time   930       914  
24 min
Ditto                                       940   x   924   921.5
Ditto                                       945   x   939   936
White chalk, full with claystone cavings    950   x   942.5 939.5
White marly chalk (less clay cavings)             951.8     x    952  948.5
White chalk (fine) with plenty hard green clay    955 x     953.5     950
cavings and flintstone cavings
Very few white chalk, cavings of clay, sample     957.5     x    955  951.5
contain mainly mudcake 
Coarse white soft marly chalk to marl with light- 960 x     957  953.5
grey hard chalk, mudcake (+ hard dark green clay,
few flintstone and sand with glauconite cavings)
Lightgrey hard chalk with white marl (very few    965       963  959
flintstone and clay cavings)
Ditto                                       970   x   968   964
Ditto                                       975       973   969
Marly whitegrey chalk with grey hard chalk        980 x     978  974
Grey marl with marly whitegrey chalk (some clay   985 x     983  979
Ditto                                       990       988   983.5
Grey marl                                   995   x   992   987.5
Grey marl with dark brown soft clay (base of      998 x     994.5     990
Grey marl with alot of black argillite (shale),   1000      x    997.5     993
also with brown soft clay
Ditto                                      1002       999.5 994.5
Ditto, plenty of brown clay and Namurian shale    1005      x    1000.5    995.5
Black shale (argillite), with marl cavings and    1010      x    1009 1003.5
darkbrown clay
Black shale with darkgrey sandstone (few chalk    1015      x    1014 1008.5
Ditto, with very small amount of impure coal?     1020      x    1018 1012.5
Darkgrey sandstone with little black shale        1025      x    1022 1016
(some cavings of chalk material and mudcake)
Ditto                                      1030   x   1029  1023
Darkgrey sandstone with black shale               1035      x    1033 1027
(some chalk cavings)
Black shale (mudstone) and darkgret sandstone     1040      x    1037 1032
(chalk cavings and casing material)
Black shale (heterogenous pieces) and few dark    1045      x    1041.5    1035
grey sandstone (less cavings)
Mainly black shale                         1050   x   1046.5     1040.5
Fine milled black shale with very few darkgrey    1055      x    1053.5    1046.5
Fine black shale                           1060   x   1057.5     1050.5
Black shale (few chalk cavings and csg. mat.)     1064      x    1060.5    1053
Black shale (mudstone)                            1070      x    1068 1061
Ditto                                      1075   x   1073  1065.5
Ditto                                             1080      x    1076 1068
Black shale with calcite and pyrite               1085      x    1082 1074.5
Ditto                                      1090   x   1087  1079
Ditto, with cavings of chalk and flintstone       1095           1092.5    1084.5
Black shale with few sandstone                    1100      x    1098 1089.5
Ditto, without sandstone                   1105       1103.5     1094.5
Ditto, with grey sandstone                        1110      x    1108 1099.5
Ditto, with few sandstone                         1115           1113.5    1104.5
Ditto                                             1120      x    1117 1108
Cavings, first sample after tripping, mainly      1125           1124 1114.5
clay pieces
Black shale with sandstone, quartzic, cavings of  1130      x    1128 1118.5
chalk and clay
Ditto, but fine milled                     1135       1133.5     1124
Ditto                                             1140           1138.5    1128.5
Grey shale with cavings of darkgreen clay and chalk   1145       1142 1132
Grey to darkgrey shale with (<10%) white to       1146.5    x    1143.5    1133.5
lightgrey sandstone, cavings of chalk and dark-
green clay piieces
Darkgrey shale with lightgrey sandstone and chalk 1150           1146.5    1136.5
Darkgrey to black shale (85%) with grey sandstone 1155      x    1152 1141.5
(10%) and some chalk pieces, green clay, and mudcake
Very fine milled darkgrey shale and less sandstone,   1160  x    1156 1145.5
less cavings
Fine milled + pieces of darkgrey shale and less   1165           1162.5    1151.5
sandstone (the sandstone was fine milled to sand) 
with mudcake
Heterogenous darkgrey shale with darkgrey sandstone   1170  x    1167 1156
and mudcake; few chalk cavings and csg. mat.
Very fine milled shale and sandstone(?) + mudcake 1175      x    1172 1160.5
Ditto                                             1179.4         1176.5    1164.5
Ditto, in larger fraction                         1185           1181.5    1169.5
Ditto, in fine fraction due to higher mudviscosity    1190  x    1186.8    1174.5
Ditto                                      1195       1192  1179.5
Black shale with sandstone and fine chalk cavings 1200      x    1198 1186
Sandy shale and sandstone, mainly in fine fraction    1205       1202.5    1189
Ditto                                      1210   x   1208  1194.5
Ditto, coaser fraction, few chalk cavings  1215   x   1212  1099
Ditto                                             1220      x    1216.5    1203
Black shale (no or very few sandstone), no chalk  1225      x    1222 1208
Ditto                                             1230      x    1227.5    1213.5
Ditto                                      1235   x   1232.5     1218
Ditto                                             1240      x    1236.5    1222.5
Ditto, with some chalk cavings, calcite, pyrite   1245      x    1241.5    1227
Black shale with calcite                          1250      x    1249 1234
Black shale; very fine milled cuttings (due to    1255           1254 1238.5
new bit?)                
Fine black shale with casing material             1260           1259 1243.5
Fine milled black shale with a lot of casing      1264           1263 1247.5
material and mudcake
Fine milled black shale with casing material      1266           1265 1249
Ditto                                      1268       1267  1251
Fine milled black shale with calcite or dolomite? 1270      x    1269 1253
and casing material
Ditto, calcimetry = 10% dolomite                  1272      x    1271 1255
Ditto                                             1274           1273.5    1257
Black shale, with few calcite (dolomite?)  1276   x   1275.5     1259
calcimetry = 8% dolomite
Ditto, calcimetry = 8% dolomite                   1278      x    1277 1260.5
Ditto, calcimetry = 10% dolomite                  1280      x    1279.5    1263
Black shale with pyrite and more calcite, very    1282      x    1281.5    1264.5
few casing material, calcimetry = 10% dolomite     
Black shale (indication of small lost circl.)     1283      x    1282.5    1265.5
Black shale, calcimetry = 40% dolomite     1284   x   1283.5     1266.5
(well circulation to observe real depth cuttings)
(note: partial loss of 1.5M3/hr was observed)
Black shale, casing material, calcimetry = 28% dol.   1284 COR x 1284 1267
5% pyrite
Ditto                                             1290 COR x     1290 1273
Black shale, some csg mat., 7% cc, 7% py   1294.7CORx 1294.5     1277
Ditto, 10% cc, 10% py                      1296   x   1295.5     1277.5
Ditto                                      1297   x   1296.5     1278.5
Ditto                                      1298       1297.5     1279.5
Ditto                                             1299.5         1299 1281
Darkgrey to black shale with 5% cc, 15% py 1302   x   1301.5     1283.5
Ditto, with pieces of white material       1304   x   1304  1286
Ditto,little pieces of white material; with py    1305.8         1305.5    1287.5
and little cc                   
Ditto, with more py                        1307   x   1306.5     1288.5
Ditto                                             1310           1309 1291
Black shale with pieces of csg and paint,py(5%)   1312      x    1310.5    1292.5
Ditto                                             1313           1312 1294
Ditto                                             1314           1312.5    1294
Ditto                                             1315           1313.5    1295
Ditto                                             1316           1314.5    1296
Ditto                                             1317           1315 1296.5
Ditto                                             1318           1316 1297.5
Ditto                                             1319           1317 1298.5
Black shale with py                        1320   x   1318  1299.5
Grey limestone with some black shale                
(at 1321.8 drilling break and mud loss);
corr depth is 1321.8; calcimetrie is 100%  1323.7 x   1322  1303
Grey limestone with very little shale;
calcimetrie = 100%; sample taken after 33 min.circ.   1323.7          1323.5    1305
Pale-grey limestone, little py and cc      1330   x   1329.5     1310
Dark-grey limestone and some pale-grey limestone;
H2S smell; calcimetrie = 97%                      1335      x    1333.5    1314
Calcite(at least two generations) with some py and
chalcopy; less pale-grey limestone; some shale
(=cavings?) DRILLING BREAK = 14 min/m      1336.5 x   1335.5     1316
Pale-grey and dark-grey limestone (with some
shale cavings?)                                   1340      x    1339.5    1320
Ditto, little cc and py                           1343           1342 1322.5
Pale-grey limestone with some shale cavings?;
little cc and py                                  1345      x    1344 1324
Pale-grey limestone, little cc and py      1347.5     1346.5     1326.5
Ditto                                             1350      x    1349 1329
Ditto                                             1352.5         1351.5    1331.5
Ditto                                             1355      x    1354 1333.5
Pale-grey limestone with some fine csg mat.,little  
cc and some py?                                   1360      x    1359 1338.5
Ditto                                             1365      x    1364 1343
Ditto                                             1370      x    1369 1348
Pale-grey limestone, some csg mat.,some cc and py 1375      x    1374 1352.5
Ditto                                             1380      x    1377.5    1356
Much calcite and less pale-grey limestone
    = DRILLING BREAK 14 min/m                     1381      x    1379 1357
Pale-grey limestone, little amount of cc   1382.5 x   1381  1359.5
Ditto                                             1385      x    1384 1362
Pale-grey limestone with very little shale=
cavings; cc and py                         1387.5     1386.5     1364.5
Ditto                                             1390      x    1389 1367
Ditto, more cc                             1395   x   1393.5     1371.5
Ditto                                             1397.5         1396.5    1374
Pale-grey limestone with more cc and very little
shale cavings                              1400   x   1398.5     1376
Ditto                                             1402.5    x    1401.5    1378.5
Ditto                                             1405      x    1404 1381
Ditto                                             1407.5    x    1406.5    1383.5
Ditto, after circulation = correct depth.    TD=  1407.5    x    1407.5    1384.5

STRATIGRAFISCHE INTERPRETATIE based on logs (and cutting description) : 
     0.00 -   51.50  Quaternary
     0.00 -   25.00  'Komplex van de Kempen'      
    25.00 -   51.50    Merksplas Formation        

    51.50 -  682.00 Tertiary :             
    51.50 -   76.00    Lillo formation            
    76.00 -  165.00  Diest formation              
    165.00 -  314.50   Rupel group                
   165.00 -  304.00  Boom Formation               
   280.50 -  304.00    siltic base Boom clay
    304.00 -  314.50   Bilzen Formation: Berg Member
   314.50 -    ?     Maldegem Formation
   314.50 -  318.00    clay
   318.00 -  325.00    sand
   325.00 -  344.00    clay
   344.00 -  349.00    sand
   349.00 -  370.00  Asse member (clay 1)
   365.00 -  370.00    Bande Noire Layer
   370.00 -    ?     Wemmel Member
                     Zenne group
     ?    -  432.00    Lede Formation and Brussel Formation
   432.00 -  576.00  Ieper group
   432.00 -  462.00  Tielt Formation: Egem Member (Yd)
                     Kortrijk Formation
   462.00 -  576.00  Ieper clay (Yc)
   576.00 -  671.50  Landen group
    576.00 -  600.00   Tienen Formation
   576.00 -  600.00  Knokke Member
   576.00 -  580.00  Landen Sand (L2,continent.)
   580.00 -  584.00    clay
   584.00 -  593.00    sand
   593.00 -  600.00                        clay
   600.00 -  671.50  Hannut Formation
   600.00 -  640.00  Grandglise Member (L1d+c)
   640.00 -  671.50  Halen member and Waterschei Member
                     Group without name
   671.50 -  686.50  Heers Formation
   671.50 -  682.00  Gelinden Member
   682.00 -  686.50  Orp Member
   686.50 -  991.00 Cretaceous
    686.50 -  767.00   Maastricht Formation
   713.50 -  719.00  Lava equivalent (hard ground)
    767.00 -  951.00   Gulpen Formation
    767.00 -  780.00                       Lanaye
    780.00 -  830.00                       (Lixhe-)Vijlen
    830.00 -  873.50                       Beutenaken chalk
    873.50 -  899.00                       Beutenaken marl  
   899.00 -  951.00    Zevenwegen
   951.00 -  991.00  Vaals formation
   951.00 -  974.00    upper
   974.00 -  991.00    lower
   991.00 - 1319.50  Namur
   991.00 - 1006.00    shale
  1006.00 - 1015.50    sandstone
  1015.50 - 1020.00    schiefer
  1020.00 - 1047.50    cycle 1 coarsening upw.
  1047.50 - 1052.50    cycle 2 fining upw
  1052.50 - 1067.00    cycle 3 coarsening upw.
  1067.00 - 1094.00    cycle 4 coarsening upw.
  1094.00 - 1135.50    cycle 5
  1135.50 - 1319.50  Chokier Formation
  1319.50 - 1407.50    Dinant
          (total depth)
AUTEURS  E. Maes, Lie Sun Fan, W. Gevaerts january 1990
Fractured zones in the Dinantian :
                1320 - 1321.5
                1323.5 - 1325.5
                1337 - 1337.5
                1342.5 - 1343
                1360 - 1361
                1373.5 - 1374
                1381 - 1383
                1389.5 - 1390.5 
                1393 - 1394   

Karstic zones in the Dinantian :
                1327 - 1332
                1333 - 1337
                1348.5 - 1350
                1361 - 1365
                1365.5 - 1367
                1378 - 1381
                1383 - 1388.5

Lithified zones :   Diest formation : iron sandstone
                     Rupel formation : septaria
                     Brussel formation : silicified sandstone
                     Upper zone of the Maastricht formation : silex


The well DZH-14 is situated on the west side of the village center of Rijkevorsel, on the locality Korenblok-Heiveld along the Karreweg.

The Lambert coordinates of the wellhead are X = 175609.6
                                            Y = 227355.4
Ground level elevation Z=+27.77 m from sea level.
All depths are referred from RTKB (rotary table kelly
bushing) as zero level which is +4.10 m from ground level or +31.87 m from sea level.
This well is filed by the B.G.S. as K.B. (borehole Campine basin) 202, archive no. 16E176 (IIIa).

Technical drilling scheme

1. Phase 17"1/2 : (12/12/89 - 14/12/89) 
   - Full hole rotary drilling RB Ø 17"1/2 to 49.8 m.
   - Casing Ø 13"3/8, 48 lbs/ft BDS, set at 48.9 m.
   - Cementation up to the surface performed by Halliburton 
2. Phase 12"1/4 : (15/12/89 - 18/12/89)
   - Full hole rotary drilling RB Ø 12"1/4 to 200.4 m.
   - Open hole logging TNO (not complete, stuck at 107 m).
   - Casing Ø 9"5/8, 40 lbs/ft BDS, set at 195 m (run by
   - Cementation up to the surface  performed by Halliburton.
3. Phase 8"1/2 : (19/12/89 - 10/01/90)
   - Full hole rotary drilling RB Ø 8"1/2 to 1245.5 m.
   - Deviation build-up with Turbo-drilling RB Ø 8"1/2 from
     715 m (Kick Off Point = KOP) to 828.4 m and drift correction
     from 794.2 m to 861.5 m, performed by Geoservices.
   - Conventional coring Ø 8"15/32 DB, core Ø 101 mm from 
     1245.5 m to 1250.5 m in the Namurian section.
   - Open hole logging by Schlumberger.
   - Casing Ø 7", 23 lbs/ft BDS, set at 1250 m (run by
   - Cementation up to the surface performed by Halliburton
4. Phase 6"1/8 : (10/01/90 - 21/01/90)
   - Full hole rotary drilling RB Ø 6"1/8 to 1407.5 m TD
     (exclude the coring sections).
   - Conventional coring Ø 6" DB, core Ø 68 mm from 1284 m to
     1290.65 m and from 1323.7 m to 1325 m in the Dinantian
   - CBL-logging by Schlumberger at 1260 m.
   - Open hole logging by Schlumberger and CGG (EVA tool).
   - Borehole seismic (VSP offset and walk-away) by CGG.
   - Liner Ø 5", K55, 15 lbs/ft VAM, run in to 1403 m 
     ( by Weatherford)
   - Cementation of the liner performed by Halliburton
   - CBL-logging by Schlumberger
5. Well completion : (22/01/90 - 26/01/90)
   - Perforations by Schlumberger
   - Acidification by Halliburton
   - Running in completion tubing Ø 2"7/8 and packers by


1. TNO

At the end of the second phase of well DZH-14, an open hole logging was performed by TNO (NL) on 16/12/1989. The logging program was : SP, Caliper, Resistivity and Gamma-ray.

During the first attempt, the TNO tool got stuck at 48 m, just below the first casing shoe, therefore a check-trip was run. Circulation and rotation at 48 m and 66 m, reaming at 104 m, 106 m, 130 m to 170 m with 4T WOB were necessary. During the second logging attempt, the tool got stuck again at 107 m. It is believed that the weight of the TNO logging tool is too light to perform in a higher mud density well. Therefore, no open hole 
logs were available from 107 m. to 200 m. This section was
covered by a Gamma-ray log through the casing.

2. Schlumberger

Log name                      Well DZH-14 (m)  Well DZH-15 (m)
--------                      --------------   --------------
* BGT-GR                        175 - 1217.2     206 - 1252
                               1225 - 1405      1251 - 1381
---------------------------------------------------------------* DIT-SLT-GR-AMS                175 - 1217.2     
  GR (through the casing)         0 -  175
---------------------------------------------------------------* LDT-GR                        175 - 1217.2
---------------------------------------------------------------* CBL-VDL-GR-CCL                 75 - 1257.7     885 - 1264
                               1165 - 1403      1194 - 1389
---------------------------------------------------------------* BHC-GR                       1225 - 1405      1251 - 1381
---------------------------------------------------------------* LDL-CNL-GR                   1225 - 1405      1251 - 1381
---------------------------------------------------------------* NGS                                             25 - 1252
---------------------------------------------------------------* LDL-NGS-AMS                                     25 - 1252
---------------------------------------------------------------* DIL-BHC-NGS                                    206 - 1252
---------------------------------------------------------------* FMS-GR                                         206 -  600
---------------------------------------------------------------* PERFORATION LOG              1300 - 1403       1331 - 1378

BGT       = Borehole Geometry tool
GR        = Gamma-ray tool
DIT - DIL = Induction (resistivity) tool
LDT - LDL = Density tool
SLT - BHC = Sonic tool
CNL       = Neutron tool
CBL - VDL = Cement Bond Log tool
NGS       = Natural Gamma Spectrocopy tool
FMS       = Formation Micro-Scanning tool
AMS       = (used for BGT tool calibration)

3. VSP-borehole seismic and EVA-tool logging by CGG

A special sonic tool (EVA) was run in DZH-14 by CGG from 175 m to 1400 m (RTKB). This EVA-tool is very useful as an additional information for VSP processing.

A VSP borehole seismic was performed from 175 m to 1400 m (RTKB)
in well DZH-14 in order to obtain a velocity profile and to calibrate the subsurface seismic maps.

The geology of DZH-14.

The stratigraphical thicknesses after TVD correction are as
follows :
        - Quaternary and top Tertiary           160.9 m
        - Rupel group                           149.5 m
        - Maldegem group and zenne group        117.5 m
        - Ieper group                           144.0 m
        - Landen group                           95.5 m
        - Heers formation                        15.0 m
        - Maastricht formatian                   80.5 m
        - Gulpen formation                      180.5 m
        - Vaals formation                        39.0 m
        - Andenne formation                     139.5 m
        - Chokier formation                     175.5 m

The top of the Dinantian reservoir was found at 1319.5 m RTKB drilling depth or at 1269 m TVD from sea-level. The deviated thickness of the drilled section is 88 m. The major karstified zones were found at the interval of 1269 m to 1329.5 m TVD from sea-level. The acidification job was performed in the following zones : 1269 m - 1270.5 m, 1280.5 m - 1281.5m, 1341.5 m - 1344.5 m (all depths are TVD from sea-level).

                    : K.B. 202
                    : 16E 176 
DATE                : 13 DECEMBER 1989 - 26 JANUARY 1990 
DIAMETERS           : 17"1/2 - 12"1/4" - 8"1/2 - 6"1/8
COORDINATES          : X = 175609.6     Y = 227355.4
GROUND LEVEL        : +27.76 FROM MSL (=Z)
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