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Box 32

BE-RBINS-ENT Collection Queen Elisaneth of Belgium


Name in the box Order Family Total_number
Castnia therapon Kollar, 1839 Lepidoptera Castniidae 1
Castnia palatinus (Cramer, 1777) Lepidoptera Castniidae 1
Castnia boisduvali Walker, 1854 Lepidoptera Castniidae 1
Castnia decussata Godart, 1824 Lepidoptera Castniidae 2
Castnia syphax (Fabricius, 1775) Lepidoptera Castniidae 1
Castnia sp. Lepidoptera Castniidae 5
Cocytius duponchel (Poey, 1832) Lepidoptera Sphingidae 1
Protoparce paphus sexta  (Cramer, 1779) Lepidoptera Sphingidae 1
Protoparce diffissa petuniae (Boisduval, 1875) Lepidoptera Sphingidae 1
Protoparce scutata brasiliensis (Jordan, 1911) Lepidoptera Sphingidae 1
Protoparce hannibal (Cramer, 1779) Lepidoptera Sphingidae 1
Protoparce lefeburei (Guérin-Ménéville, 1844) Lepidoptera Sphingidae 1
Protoparce rustica (Fabricius, 1775) Lepidoptera Sphingidae 1
Protoparce florestan (Stoll, 1782) Lepidoptera Sphingidae 1
Herse cingulata (Fabricius, 1775) Lepidoptera Sphingidae 1
Hyloicus justiciae Walker, 1856 Lepidoptera Sphingidae 1
Protambulyx eurycles (Herrich-Schäffer, 1854) Lepidoptera Sphingidae 1
Protambulyx strigilis (Linnaeus, 1771) Lepidoptera Sphingidae 2



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