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BE-RBINS-ENT Chrysomelidae from El Salvador

2797 individual chrysomelid specimens from El Salvador, 89 species and 132 genera from the Bechyné collection.


The leaf beetles (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae) from El Salvador, with additions from the Bechyné RBINS collection


Martijn Van Roie, Frederik De Wint, Ayse Güngor, Charlotte Huyghe, Wouter Dekoninck, Lukáš Sekerka, 2019. An annotated checklist of the leaf beetles (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae) from El Salvador, with additions from the Bechyné collection in the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences. ZooKeys 856: 137-196. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.856.32017

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Biodiversity Inventory for Conservation (BINCO) vzw is a Belgium-based platform for biodiversity projects aimed at collecting and disseminating “primary data” to reinforce conservation initiatives. Basic biodiversity information is often spatially clustered, with large gaps in the tropics and absent for smaller organisms. BINCO strives towards filling these voids.

Heatmap of the species recorded per department of El Salvador. The darker the colour, the more species have been recorded. Numbers between brackets indicate number of species (first number) and number of genera (second number): (Species / Genera).














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