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BE-RBINS-ENT Collection Prince Leopold of Belgium. Expedition, 1929 / Drawers / Box_37


Name in the box Order Family Subfamily Locality Total_number Type
Cerogria nigra Thumb. Coleoptera Lagriidae   Sumatra, Toba lake 7  
Cerogria becarii Bm. Coleoptera Lagriidae   Celebes, Menado 2  
Cerogria hemichlora Fairm. Coleoptera Lagriidae   Aer Poeti (Sumatra) 1  
Lagria Leopoldi Pic. Coleoptera Lagriidae   Manoi (New Guinea) 1 Type in loan (Type)
Sora bicoloritarsis Pic, 1932 Coleoptera Lagriidae   Menado (Celebes) 1 Type Type
Sora nitidissima Pic. Coleoptera Lagriidae   Menado (Celebes) 1  
Sora nitidissima var. Braekeli Pic, 1932 Coleoptera Lagriidae   Menado (Celebes) 1 Type Type
Casnonidea impressifrons Schauf. Coleoptera Alleculidae   Menado (Celebes) 1  
Cistelopsis misoola Borchmann, 1932 Coleoptera Alleculidae   Wecim Island (N. Misool) 3 including 1 Type and 2 Paratypes Type+Paratype
Stilbocistela manoiensis Borchmann, 1935 Coleoptera Alleculidae   Manoi (New Guinea) 1  Holotype in loan (Holotype)
Atractocerus marginatus Cast. Coleoptera Alleculidae   Sumatra 1  
Aegosoma gigantea Lansb. Coleoptera Cerambycidae Prioninae Boer Ni Melitang (Sumatra). 1  
Xytocera Globosa ol. Coleoptera Cerambycidae Cerambycinae Sumatra 2  
Oplatocera callidioides White Coleoptera Cerambycidae Cerambycinae Takengon (Sumatra) 1  
Soltira flexuosa Pasc. Coleoptera Cerambycidae Cerambycinae Angi Gita (New Guinea) 1  
Ceresium diversum Pasc. Coleoptera Cerambycidae Cerambycinae Bireun (Sumatra) 1  
Ceresium raripilum Newm. Coleoptera Cerambycidae Cerambycinae Sumatra 1  
Hexamitodera semivelutina Heller Coleoptera Cerambycidae Cerambycinae Tondano-Menado (Celebes) 1  
Cloridolum Klaesi Rits. Coleoptera Cerambycidae Cerambycinae Sumatra 1  
Cloridolum promissum Pasc. Coleoptera Cerambycidae Cerambycinae Celebes-Menado 2  
Chlorophorus annularis  F. Coleoptera Cerambycidae Cerambycinae Buitenzorg (Java); Celebes-Menado; Sakoemi (Neu Guinea) 9  
Epipedocera abdominalis Bates Coleoptera Cerambycidae Cerambycinae Bireun-Takengon (Sumatra) 1  
Purpuricenus sanguinolentus Ol. Coleoptera Cerambycidae Cerambycinae Kandy (Ceylan) 1  



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30 K30_D04_001 Eumolpinae suppl det BOX 4 Nodocolaspis impressa (Lefèvre, 1877) 1 El Salvador Hacienda Argentina (La Libertad) 11-9-1959 J. Bechyné J. Bechyné 11/IX/1959
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