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BE-RBINS-ENT Collection Prince Leopold of Belgium. Expedition, 1929 / Drawers / Box_13


Name in the box Order Family Subfamily Locality Total_number Type
Valanga nigricornis aroensis Sjostedt, 1932 Orthoptera Acrididae Catantopinae Isle of Aroe : S. Manoembai 20  
Valanga nigricornis sakoemiensis Sjostedt, 1932 Orthoptera Acrididae Catantopinae New Guinea : Sakoemi; Manokwari; Lomira; Kaimana 5 Holotype
Valanga conspersa gohieri Guillou, 1841 Orthoptera Acrididae Catantopinae New Guinea : Siwi; Isle of Japen : Saroei 2  
Valanga willemsei Sjostedt, 1932 Orthoptera Acrididae Catantopinae Isle of Aroe : S. Manoembai 0  
Valanga sp. Orthoptera Acrididae Catantopinae Isle of Aroe : S. Manoembai; New Guinea : Sakoemi; Sumatra 8  
Catantops humilis (Serville, 1838) Orthoptera Acrididae Catantopinae Sumatra: Tandjong Karang 1  
Catantops splendens (Thunberg, 1815) Orthoptera Acrididae Catantopinae Sumatra : Tandjong Karang; Isle of Ternate : Ternate; Archipelago of Banda : Banda; Isle of Amboina : Ambon 6  
Catantops angustifrons (Walker, 1870) Orthoptera Acrididae Catantopinae New Guinea : Sakoemi, Sorong, Manoi; Isle of Aroe : S. Manoembai 20  
Traulia flavoannulata (Stal, 1861) Orthoptera Acrididae Catantopinae Sumatra : Kepahiang 1  
Traulia pumila Willemse, 1932 Orthoptera Acrididae Catantopinae Sumatra : Tandjong Kelong 1 Holotype Holotype
Bibracte intermedia Willemse, 1931 Orthoptera Acrididae Catantopinae Sumatra : Tandjong Karang 1 Holotype Holotype
Poecilochroma gracilis Willemse, 1932 Orthoptera Acrididae Catantopinae New Guinea : Sakoemi 3 including 1 Type and 2 Paratypes Holotype+Paratype
Retezia nana Willemse, 1932 Orthoptera Acrididae Catantopinae New Guinea : Sakoemi 1 Holotype



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30 K30_D04_001 Eumolpinae suppl det BOX 4 Nodocolaspis impressa (Lefèvre, 1877) 1 El Salvador Hacienda Argentina (La Libertad) 11-9-1959 J. Bechyné J. Bechyné 11/IX/1959
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