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BE-RBINS-ENT Collection Prince Leopold of Belgium. Expedition, 1929 / Drawers / Box_12


Name in the box Order Family Subfamily Locality Total_number Type
Tarbaleus ferrugineus Willemse, 1922 Orthoptera Acrididae Catantopinae New Guinea : Moemi, 1  
Cranae unistrigata (De Haan, 1842) Orthoptera Acrididae Catantopinae New Guinea : Siwi, forest 3  
Oxya gavisa (Walker, 1870) Orthoptera Acrididae Catantopinae Isle of Aroe : S. Manoembai; Isle of Japan : Saroei; Isle of Banda : Goenoeng Api; Celebes : Koelawi, Virgin forest between Paloe and Koelawi; New Guinea : Sakoemi; Lomira; Siwi 61  
Oxya diminuta Walker, 1871 Orthoptera Acrididae Catantopinae Sumatra : Harau Kloof 1  
Oxya intricata (Stal, 1861) Orthoptera Acrididae Catantopinae Sumatra : Indrapoera; Singalang; Tandjong Karang 3  
Oxya sp. Orthoptera Acrididae Catantopinae Borneo : Samarinda 4  
Gesonia mundata (Walker, 1870) Orthoptera Acrididae Catantopinae Sumatra: Tandjong Karang; Isle of Aroe : S. Manoembai; Isle of Japan : Saroei; New Guinea : Sakoemi 14  
Caryanda spuria (Stal, 1860) Orthoptera Acrididae Catantopinae Sumatra : Tandjong Karang 2  
Chitaura sp. Orthoptera Acrididae Catantopinae Celebes : Virgin forest between Paloe and Koelawi 1  
Apotropis Brunneri (Bolivar, 1898) Orthoptera Acrididae Catantopinae Isle of Aroe : S. Manoembai 15  
Schistocerca gregaria (Forsk, 1775) Orthoptera Acrididae Catantopinae Taken off the Somalicoast falling on the ship 3  
Patanga succincta (Johannson, 1763) Orthoptera Acrididae Catantopinae Isle of  Aroe : S. Manoembai 1  
Valanga nigricornis aroensis Sjostedt, 1932 Orthoptera Acrididae Catantopinae Isle of Aroe : S. Manoembai 20 including 1 Type Type



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30 K30_D04_001 Eumolpinae suppl det BOX 4 Nodocolaspis impressa (Lefèvre, 1877) 1 El Salvador Hacienda Argentina (La Libertad) 11-9-1959 J. Bechyné J. Bechyné 11/IX/1959
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