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You are here: Home / Old Projects / BAREO / Bibliograhy / Belgian Bioarchaeology Near East / Fish in the desert? The Younger Dryas and its influence on the paleoenvironment at Baaz Rockshelter, Syria

H. Napierala, Wim Van Neer, A. W Kandel, J. Peters, H. P Uerpmann, and N. J Conard (2013)

Fish in the desert? The Younger Dryas and its influence on the paleoenvironment at Baaz Rockshelter, Syria

In: Natufian foragers in the Levant: terminal Pleistocene social changes in Western Asia, ed. by Bar Yosef, Ofer and Valla, François, pp. 73–82, International Monographs in Prehistory, Ann Arbor. Archaeological Series.

Baaz rock shelter

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