A10198 Chondrites Info
Name: Asuka 10198 Country: Antarctica Date: 2010 Mass (g): 70.7 Class: CO Collected jointly by: NIPR (Japan) and RBINS (Belgium) Carbonaceous chondrites: CO (Ornans-type): The meteorites of this group are named after their type specimen Ornans, which’s fall was observed in 1868 (in France). These carbonaceous chondrites have relatively small chondrules compared to other chondrites.
A10198 Chondrites Info
Name: Asuka 10198 Country: Antarctica Date: 2010 Mass (g): 70.7 Class: CO Collected jointly by: NIPR (Japan) and RBINS (Belgium) Carbonaceous chondrites: CO (Ornans-type): The meteorites of this group are named after their type specimen Ornans, which’s fall was observed in 1868 (in France). These carbonaceous chondrites have relatively small chondrules compared to other chondrites.