A09135 Chondrites Info
Name: Asuka 09135 Country: Antarctica Date: 2009 Mass (g): 146.05 Class: LL3 Collected jointly by: NIPR (Japan) and RBINS (Belgium) Ordinary chondrites: LL3 (low-iron and low-metal): These meteorites contain about 19-22 wt% total iron, and only 1-3 wt% free metal. They represent least common group of ordinary chondrites. Their parent body has not been identified yet, but their spectra matches the spectra of S-type asteroids.
A09135 Chondrites Info
Name: Asuka 09135 Country: Antarctica Date: 2009 Mass (g): 146.05 Class: LL3 Collected jointly by: NIPR (Japan) and RBINS (Belgium) Ordinary chondrites: LL3 (low-iron and low-metal): These meteorites contain about 19-22 wt% total iron, and only 1-3 wt% free metal. They represent least common group of ordinary chondrites. Their parent body has not been identified yet, but their spectra matches the spectra of S-type asteroids.