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Box 008 Libellulidae

BE-RBINS-ENT Collection F. Carpentier (1890-1978)


Name in the box Ordre Family Total_number Location
Rhyothemis variegata Linnaeus, 1763 Odonata Libellulidae 3 Inde
Rhyothemis vidua Selys, 1878 Odonata Libellulidae 1 Indochine
Rhyothemis mariposa Ris, 1913 Odonata Libellulidae 1 Congo belge
Perithemis mooma Kirby, 1889 Odonata Libellulidae 1 Paraguay
Perithemis domitia Drury, 1773 Odonata Libellulidae 1 Kirby
Tramea cophysa Sélys Odonata Libellulidae 1 Paraguay
Neurothemis fulvia Drury, 1773 Odonata Libellulidae 1 Inde
Urothemis signata signata (Rambur 1842) Odonata Libellulidae 1 Inde
Diplacodes nebulosa Fabricius, 1793 Odonata Libellulidae 1 Indochine
Palpopleura sexmaculata Fabricius, 1787 Odonata Libellulidae 3 S. Inde
Camacinia gigantea Brauer, 1867 Odonata Libellulidae 1 Inde
Libellula pulchella Drury, 1773 Odonata Libellulidae 1 Canada
Hylaeothemis fruhstorferi Karsch, 1889 Odonata Libellulidae 2 S. Inde
Sympetrum striolatum Charpentier, 1840 Odonata Libellulidae 5 Belgique
Cratilla lineata Brauer, 1878 Odonata Libellulidae 1 Indochine
Libellula depressa Linnaeus, 1758 Odonata Libellulidae 2 Belgique
Erythrodiplax umbrata Linnaeus, 1758 Odonata Libellulidae 1 Paraguay
Tetrathemis platyptera Selys, 1878 Odonata Libellulidae 1 S. Inde
Nannophya pygmaea Rambur Kar. Odonata Libellulidae 1 Indonesia
Neurothemis tullia feralis (Burmeister, 1839) Odonata Libellulidae 2 Vietnam
Palpopleura lucia Drury, 1773 Odonata Libellulidae 2 Congo belge
Rhyothemis phyllis Sulzer, 1776 Odonata Libellulidae 1 Indochine
Crocothemis erythraea Brullé, 1832 Odonata Libellulidae 1 France
Sympetrum flaveolum Linnaeus, 1761 Odonata Libellulidae 1 Belgique
Hemistigma albipuncta Rambur, 1842 Odonata Libellulidae 1 Uganda
Sympetrum vulgatum Linnaeus, 1758 Odonata Libellulidae 1 Belgique



Collection manager: Kerkhof Stefan
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