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Carrière Hélin - Spiennes

Fouilles Institut (1958)

Cailloutis inférieur, Outils
- encoches S 4/2: 30 pcs,
- encoches S 3/1: 10 pcs,
- grattoirs S 4/1: 14 pcs,
- grattoirs W 3/4: 9 pcs,
- grattoirs W 4/1: 12 pcs,
- grattoirs W 4/4: 3 pcs,
- becs S 4/1: 9 pcs,
- becs S 5/1: 10 pcs,
- becs c W 3/4: 9 pcs,
- becs d W 8/1: 1 pce,
- denticulés a W 3/4: 4 pcs,
- denticulés c S 4/2: 16 pcs,
- denticulés c W 6/1: 8 pcs,
- denticulés d W 4/1: 7 pcs.
